What is your pet peeve about swimming?

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No matter how hard you scrub or how often you shower....you always smell of chlorine! :rolleyes:
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 19 years ago
    I think I was referring to one of Guvnah's posts... "Manatee" = Over-Weight (Female) Aqua Aerobe. Sorry for the Mixup! Seriously Guvnah, I am slightly slower than you, but we would get along in lane 5 fine together. I too like lane 5 because of the pace clock and because I don't like being right next to the wall Lane 5 must definitely be a favorite to Masters Swimmers everywhere! I too feel the same way, mainly because of my sight impairment. "...Do I detect a hint of Lane 5 Envy??" "IT'S MY LANE!!! MY LANE YOU HEAR ME!!!! MIIIIIIIIIINNNNNEEE!!!!!" :LOL: :p *Imagines swimming together with Guvnah and Dorothyrde in the same pool...* Fight! Fight! Fight! Fight! Fight! Fight!! :p
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 19 years ago
    I definitely agree with that last one Paul...You're sitting in a meeting, your written work-out is calling your name from your car, and some MORON keeps asking STUPID questions. Dragging out a 30-45 min meeting for an hour and a half. The next meeting I go to, I am bringing a ball gag like the one in Pulp Fiction and I will put it on the first person that opens their mouth when asked if there are any questions!!!!!!!:D
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 19 years ago
    Originally posted by Sonic Swimmer78 *Imagines swimming together with Guvnah and Dorothyrde in the same pool...* Fight! Fight! Fight! Fight! Fight! Fight!! :p Ha, that's nothing compared to the all time worst pairing of lane mates 1) a swamp dwelling, clown suit wearing aquageek 2) a VO2max challenged, late blooming, you know who 3) a shampoo wearing guy named Ralph with a moose on his back I'd rather swim with a school of hungry great whites while I had bloody nose:p
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 19 years ago
    When there is an "environmental accident" (aka, some kid pooped or threw up in the pool) and the pool is closed for 24 hours while they superchlorinate.
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 19 years ago
    When I come out of work all ready to hit the pool and my van won't start. (like it did last Friday). Three hours later I finally get home and I never did see the pool. When I am in the middle of a great workout and someone cuts across the lap lane, never looking to see if I am coming, and I have to stop swimming to let them go across.
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 19 years ago
    What about the swimmers who wear the snorkel and blow the remaining snokel water out into the pool....and they swim FOREVER. I would get so bored looking at the bottom of the pool the whole time!
  • Sonic reminded me of one. How about the swimmers who put their cap on with the seam (fold) going from ear to ear rather than down the middle from forehead to neck?! Cracks me up every time :D
  • At least your pool is divided into 6 lanes and allows 12 people to easily swim side by side. My Y divides the 6 lane pool into 3 large lanes. That means 9 people swim without circle swimming. And the middle person of the 3 has to swim without benefit of the black line or a lane line to guide them, talk about a colision hazard. Then if you have to circle swim, you have to circle the whole thing which adds bunches to you swim. The only good thing about it is it makes it easy to pass and I usually ending up swimming circles in the middle of the outter circle(does that even make sense?). I have suggested to the Y to use all the lane lines and therefore utilize the pool better. They say people don't like it and will complain. I say try it, change it and then people would get used to it. I dropped my teen son off to swim laps one day and came back to see him swimming with 4 in a lane not circle swimming and at first thought he had "broken" the rules and would be in trouble. Then I realized Nadine had jumped in with him and the two of them had devised their own little circle swim without benefit of lane lines and were able to get a good work-out together without worry of upsetting other slower swimmers. Guvnah, I have a fellow Master swimmer who told me that her favorite lane was lane 4, but she did not make a big deal about not getting it. However, if I knew she was coming and there were other lanes open, I made sure I did not take "her" lane out of respect for her wishes. The lady should never of told you to move, if she cannot deal with her fellow swimmers, SHE should have moved. I have learned to time my breathing when passing the big fellow that swims next to me in the morning. You guys DO make a big wake!!
  • You guys DO crack me up. To get up and read this at 5am, very funny!! I have recently(August) began swimming the early morning shift this year from having swum in the peacefulness of 10 am before. There is a man Guvnah size without Guvnah's speed that I seem to have intruded on his space! There are still open lanes so he gets to swim too, but I am there earlier and have taken "his" lane. It has taken 3 months, but he now greets me with a good morning and something of a smile! A lane is a lane, I have seen no names on them.:cool:
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 19 years ago
    Originally posted by Sonic Swimmer78 Touché... I too have feelings for Lane 5, but if I ever swim at Guvnah's pool, I'll just go on days he's not swimming... I don't mind sharing lanes, but Guvnah has given me the impression that he's not willing to share with a moderatly slow to medium swimmer like myself. Looks like some clarification on my part is in order. Notice that I ended my post with respect for anyone willing to share with me. Here's how it works at my pool: We have 6 lanes. First 6 people are expected each to take their own lane. If more than 6 show up, then we start sharing -- one person to each side of the lane. Only if there are more than 12 do we ever start circling. Someone "takes my lane" if I get out there and there are 5 or fewer in the pool, and someone is in lane 5. Etiquette dictates that I have to swim in another lane. Pet peeve has occurred. As I mentioned in my post, if only one lane is empty, at these times I might linger on the deck and see if someone else is gonna come. If they do, I gladly cede the last open lane, and then the lane etiquette dictates that we start sharing. With all lanes equal, I get to go in "my" lane #5! Who doesn't prefer his/her own lane? I didn't mean to indicate that I look to kick out the person I'm going to share with. I don't swim any differently whether someone is sharing with me or not. But since I am one of the more aggressive (and largest) swimmers at my pool, most people prefer to move if they have to share with me, and of course I have no problem with that. Again, if someone wants to stick with me in that lane, I have respect for him/her. On a recent occasion I arrived at the pool and there were exactly 6 people in there. I attempted to share lane 5, but the lady who was there (a wetsuit/snorkel person, as it turned out) asked me to go to another lane. Counter to my preferences and to my usual take-no-prisoners nature, I just moved to lane 4. (The guy in lane 4 later asked me why I didn't go in lane 5. He knows I always go in 5, so he chose another lane when he got in.) When she was later finished her workout and was getting out of the pool, I moved back to 5 and started up a brief chat with her. I told her that next time, if all things were the same as today, I definitely WOULD get in lane 5, even if she asked me not to. All lanes are NOT the same to me, and there is a definite advantage/beneft for me in lane 5. She tried to make the case that I didn't own lane 5. I told her I wasn't looking to kick her out. I was perfectly willing to share with her, and apparently she was the one not willing to share with me. No, Sonic, please do not fear sharing with me. I will not kick you out, and you can decide if you want to share with me. Even if you AND Scansy are in there, I will not kick anyone out since etiquette dictates that I share another lane in that case. (If I'm the 13th person, they you and Scansy will be circling with me though, and you will have to decide if that's OK with you.)