Originally posted by aquageek
Great topic - my pet peeve is people who put their sweaty gym socks and shorts in the swimsuit water extractor.
I hate this as well; it is so gross
how about unsynchronized clocks? We have one at each end of the pool and they are only off by about 5 seconds. I didn't notice for a while, thought maybe one way was uphill or something when the even 75s were :50 and the odds took a minute!
Originally posted by aquageek
Great topic - my pet peeve is people who put their sweaty gym socks and shorts in the swimsuit water extractor.
I hate this as well; it is so gross
how about unsynchronized clocks? We have one at each end of the pool and they are only off by about 5 seconds. I didn't notice for a while, thought maybe one way was uphill or something when the even 75s were :50 and the odds took a minute!