What is your pet peeve about swimming?

Former Member
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No matter how hard you scrub or how often you shower....you always smell of chlorine! :rolleyes:
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 19 years ago
    people that hock large wads of spit in the pool (don't even go for the gutter) That is not only one of the most vile and disgusting things I have ever heard, it is almost unfathomable to imagine someone doing such a thing!!.....Now I am going to be thinking about that during every lap of my next swim practice....thinking that one of those huge wads of snot/spit is going to get sucked up into my mouth or something....It almost triggers my gag reflex just thinking about it!.......There are apparently NO limits to how crude and disgusting some people can be!! newmastersswimmer
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 19 years ago
    When I get to the pool and someone is in my favorite lane!! When I'm having an awesome swim. look at the clock and relize that I have to go to biology:( . When little kids through stuff in your lane right in front of you and then dive in after them. ~Kyra
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 19 years ago
    When I have to choose a shallow lane and the water slide is on. The water is traveling very quickly by the time it reaches the end of the slide and it creates a small whirlpool that makes it difficult to swim in one direction, especially in the shallow end. I guess a turbulent swim is better than no swim.
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 19 years ago
    we don't get enough respect... we are like the only athletes who hold their breath while competing... ha!
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 19 years ago
    When you see the lifeguards doing arm motions, for, I don't, butterfly let's say, and talking and then you realize that you are the only person in the pool doing butterfly. ~Kyra
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 19 years ago
    Your right! Swimmers rarely get respect for our sport! My roommate is a mountian bike rider. She came swimming with me on Monday to start cross training. She said, " I give you credit Jenn...this is hard stuff!" It certainly made me feel good that someone noticed that swimming doesn't come easy as some people may think.
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 19 years ago
    I am too slow and too old
  • Guvnah: Have you considered anger management courses?
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 19 years ago
    Originally posted by swimmnjenn No matter how hard you scrub or how often you shower....you always smell of chlorine! :rolleyes: That's a pet peeve?? Sounds more like a blessing to me. I love that smell and I wish it were permanent. When I get to the pool and someone is in my favorite lane!! Ooooohhhhhhh yeah... Whenever someone hogs up Lane 5, I feel the SAME way. And now for some more original pet peeves: Inattentive lifeguards: "....Hey, I understand the concept of Circle Swimming, but FIVE people in my lane?? FIVE?? Sombody do something!!" The Aquatic Center by my house: This applies to the one above also. There are countless pet peeves I encounter at the Aquatic Center by my house. Sadly it's the closest too... Pet Peeve #1: Over Crowdedness... Anytime after three PM is like a Shopping Mall on Christmas Day! Too many Kids! Where's my Lane!?! I can't swim here! It's too full! "...No wonder they call them the Aqua Posse!" Pet Peeve #2: Stinky Locker Room... Is it just me, or does it smell like someone prepared a Mexican dish with a lot of cumins here? I love Mexican food, but Teenage Funk is just GROSS! Pet Peeve #3: The (Female) Swimmer next to you who thinks she owns the place and thinks she's better than you. "...Who died and made you queen of the pool?" Arrogance will not be tolerated. Pet Peeve #4: When the guys in the locker room OVERUSE the poor water extractor. VRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR -- *click whirrrrrrrrrrr, sputter, sputter* (puffs of smoke come out of it) Pet Peeve #5: Ooooooh this always gets my goat! Fluctuating pool times!!! ARRGH!!!! One weekend, opening time is from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. (Lap Swim ends at 2:00*) then the week after it's something like 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. (Lap Swim ends at... WHAT?!?! ...11:00.) Justice! Justice! Justice! WHY MUST WE ENDURE SO MUCH DISRESPECT!?!?!? We're people too!!! ...and lastly (not about the Aquatic Center anymore) when you have a hankering for a midnight swim, but find out the pool isn't open at that hour. "...guess I'm a little too enthusiastic!"
  • Pet Peeve, people who think they own a lane in a pool :) Seriously Guvnah, I am slightly slower than you, but we would get along in lane 5 fine together. I too like lane 5 because of the pace clock and because I don't like being right next to the wall(bigger swimmers tend to push me right into it!) There are people though who think they have a right to a lane, and it is an open swim, that means anyone can hop in to an open lane. It is not "owned" by anyone. a peeve is anyone not willing to circle swim. When I come in, they are afraid to circle with me because they know what kind of work-out I do. I spent 10 minutes one day explaining to a woman that she did not need to worry about me being faster, I would look out for her. She finally allowed me in the lane and was fine after that.