What did you initially think of guys in speedos?

Here's an amusing question: By now, you're probably used to the sight of guys in speedos in Masters. You will be eventually, if you haven't already...haha. What did you initially think of guys in speedos? And what do you think now? I am looking forward to your interesting responses (especially from women...haha). Please mention your gender.
  • I usually thought/think..."Wonder where he got his suit? I'm going to need to replace mine soon." Dan
  • Funny, I have seen some guys in their 70's who train in them. But most people my age (46) and younger use jammers. I recently changed from jammers to briefs as the couple of jammers I liked that were supportive have been changed such that they are now made of more stretchy material, and as such, don't really keep things in place. Unfortunately when I swim at the gym, I'm the only one around wearing one, so I feel kind of odd about it.
  • No issue with them here. Worn them all my life. Used to be made fun of by non-swimmers for it. Honestly, if doing the sport I love made me "gay" or "an antiquated word for a log for starting fires," then I was cool with it. Wearing briefs taught me very early to be comfortable with (a) my body and (b) my sexuality. I just did me. On our Disney cruise last May, I only wore my speedo + drag suit. I told my wife point blank I wasn't packing trunks. Hate how they feel. Also don't like jammers for training, only for competition suit. So I basically have no issue with wearing them myself, or with other men wearing them. Wear what's comfortable!
  • When I got my first Speedo brief it was before there were jammers. I was proud, I was swimmer. It's what swimmers wore. Swimmers wore swimsuits, bathers wore bathing suits.All the guys on the team wore them.
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 4 years ago
    I've never understood why people get feisty about it. Briefs were the uniform when I was still in age group swimming. I did think the guys swimming a 5K in unexpectedly cold water last summer was a bold move, but they made it. Otherwise, as long as everything on everyone that needs to be covered is covered, why care what someone else puts on their body?
  • Most of the guys I see wear drag suits (myself included) or jammers, I don't see many who wear just briefs. I've been coaching and swimming Masters for coming up on a decade now, that's been the case the whole time. My usual reaction is just if I see an especially vibrant/obnoxiously colorful one, and then I wonder where I can get one. All that said, I did break out just the special brief by itself for warmup at the meet my team hosts every January, so I'm sure I was the one everyone was mentally complaining about then! :D forums.usms.org/attachment.php
  • I take that back. The Lobos took a Christmas/New Year training trip to Hawaii in "75 or '76 We had a guy on the team from Hawaii and he made it very clear that NO SPEEDOS were allowed on his beaches. We all hit a discount store as soon as we landed and bought some el cheapo surf shorts. :) I was on that trip in December 76! you have a good memory as I don't remember that..of course I was broke so I probably still wore my speedo...do you remember the dude from Hawaii nickname? that's one I do remember!
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 4 years ago
    I am a firefighter and a man 34 years. when I see my coworker lifeguards in a speedo age 18 I just feel depression on how bad my fitness is and how I don't belong on the beach
  • At 34, you should be able to ...... be comfortable in your own skin. As someone who was never ripped ... even when I was swimming NCAA D-1 ... and has worn a speedo for ~48 years ... just do it and wear a brief if you want to. If you don't want to wear it, if you're not comfortable, that's also cool.
  • Still the best Speedo print design of all time IMO... unremebered.files.wordpress.com/.../vaca2.jpg Dan