What did you initially think of guys in speedos?

Here's an amusing question: By now, you're probably used to the sight of guys in speedos in Masters. You will be eventually, if you haven't already...haha. What did you initially think of guys in speedos? And what do you think now? I am looking forward to your interesting responses (especially from women...haha). Please mention your gender.
  • I take that back. The Lobos took a Christmas/New Year training trip to Hawaii in "75 or '76 We had a guy on the team from Hawaii and he made it very clear that NO SPEEDOS were allowed on his beaches. We all hit a discount store as soon as we landed and bought some el cheapo surf shorts. :) I was on that trip in December 76! you have a good memory as I don't remember that..of course I was broke so I probably still wore my speedo...do you remember the dude from Hawaii nickname? that's one I do remember!
  • I take that back. The Lobos took a Christmas/New Year training trip to Hawaii in "75 or '76 We had a guy on the team from Hawaii and he made it very clear that NO SPEEDOS were allowed on his beaches. We all hit a discount store as soon as we landed and bought some el cheapo surf shorts. :) I was on that trip in December 76! you have a good memory as I don't remember that..of course I was broke so I probably still wore my speedo...do you remember the dude from Hawaii nickname? that's one I do remember!
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