What did you initially think of guys in speedos?

Here's an amusing question: By now, you're probably used to the sight of guys in speedos in Masters. You will be eventually, if you haven't already...haha. What did you initially think of guys in speedos? And what do you think now? I am looking forward to your interesting responses (especially from women...haha). Please mention your gender.
  • Most of the guys I see wear drag suits (myself included) or jammers, I don't see many who wear just briefs. I've been coaching and swimming Masters for coming up on a decade now, that's been the case the whole time. My usual reaction is just if I see an especially vibrant/obnoxiously colorful one, and then I wonder where I can get one. All that said, I did break out just the special brief by itself for warmup at the meet my team hosts every January, so I'm sure I was the one everyone was mentally complaining about then! :D forums.usms.org/attachment.php
  • Most of the guys I see wear drag suits (myself included) or jammers, I don't see many who wear just briefs. I've been coaching and swimming Masters for coming up on a decade now, that's been the case the whole time. My usual reaction is just if I see an especially vibrant/obnoxiously colorful one, and then I wonder where I can get one. All that said, I did break out just the special brief by itself for warmup at the meet my team hosts every January, so I'm sure I was the one everyone was mentally complaining about then! :D forums.usms.org/attachment.php
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