What did you initially think of guys in speedos?

Here's an amusing question: By now, you're probably used to the sight of guys in speedos in Masters. You will be eventually, if you haven't already...haha. What did you initially think of guys in speedos? And what do you think now? I am looking forward to your interesting responses (especially from women...haha). Please mention your gender.
  • No issue with them here. Worn them all my life. Used to be made fun of by non-swimmers for it. Honestly, if doing the sport I love made me "gay" or "an antiquated word for a log for starting fires," then I was cool with it. Wearing briefs taught me very early to be comfortable with (a) my body and (b) my sexuality. I just did me. On our Disney cruise last May, I only wore my speedo + drag suit. I told my wife point blank I wasn't packing trunks. Hate how they feel. Also don't like jammers for training, only for competition suit. So I basically have no issue with wearing them myself, or with other men wearing them. Wear what's comfortable!
  • No issue with them here. Worn them all my life. Used to be made fun of by non-swimmers for it. Honestly, if doing the sport I love made me "gay" or "an antiquated word for a log for starting fires," then I was cool with it. Wearing briefs taught me very early to be comfortable with (a) my body and (b) my sexuality. I just did me. On our Disney cruise last May, I only wore my speedo + drag suit. I told my wife point blank I wasn't packing trunks. Hate how they feel. Also don't like jammers for training, only for competition suit. So I basically have no issue with wearing them myself, or with other men wearing them. Wear what's comfortable!
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