
If this belongs in the non-swimming category, feel free to move it as I wasn't sure where it needed to go. Do any of you count your macros? I'm getting way too many carbs and not enough protein. I'm ok on fat intake. Thanks in advance and I look forward to your answers!
  • I don't quite understand what to eat instead of grain (and what seed oils are you referring to?) A low-carb grain-free diet emphasizes green vegetables, meat including fish, and eggs. I like full-fat plain yogurt, too, personally. Some fruit, some nuts, as snacks and treats. If you didn't care about eating low-carb, you'd eat starchy vegetables too, like potatoes, carrots, and beets. The main seed oils available in American supermarkets are canola, corn, and soy. Better oils, definitely tastier and arguably more nutritious or less harmful, include olive, coconut, and avocado. Or animal fat such as butter, bacon fat, chicken fat.
  • what the heck is a macro? never mind i dont care real swimmers dont care about calories --- they eat everthing in site! real swimmers finish a meal and ask...when and what is on the next meal? if you cannot finish a large deluxe pizza on your own and look for are not swimming hard enough!
  • I'll try to remember that next time this fake swimmer gets in the pool.:D
  • Breakfast: 2 scoops of P2Life Nutriboost with Kashi Go Lean cereal + 1 tbsp flaxseed and 1 tbsp chia seeds. 1 or 2% milk and berries or scrambled eggs and the nutriboost as a separate beverage. Sometimes lowfat or nonfat yogurt in place of milk. Lunch: tuna, chicken, or turkey with half avocado. Maybe one slice of toast. Dinner: lean meat, veggie, small amt of starch (rice, baked potato, quinoa, cous cous). Soup or salad. Snacks: carrots, real-fruit popsicle, popcorn, protein bar (I try to stick to something less than 200 calories and less than 60 from fat). I'm still a "little" diabetic (HA1C now normal with metformin but was 6.7...) so I try to keep the carbs down, but I don't subscribe to any kind of fanaticism that says I can never eat this or that...even a small amount of ice cream every now and then is fine and esp if I keep up with my swimming.
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 7 years ago
    The only thing I count are my strokes! ;) When it comes to my diet, I make sure it's well-balanced, but I don't obsess over it. For protein, I bring a scoop of chocolate 100% whey protein powder to the pool in a water bottle, and then I hit the drinking fountain for a fill-up after my swim. When I get home, I make a smoothie with blueberries, bananas, light vanilla soy milk, and a tablespoon of chia seeds (great price for a bag at Costco!). For variety, I'll substitute other fruit when the mood strikes. Although I don't eat lunch, I do snack on fruit and almonds during the day when the I get hungry. At dinner time, we get our protein from plant-based sources most of the time (beans, legumes, grains); however, we're too addicted to salmon and shrimp to go to a completely plant-based diet. In addition, dinners include a lot of veggies. We're big on broccoli, so we eat it most nights of the week along with other veggies. As for the fat part of my diet: CHOCOLATE! :ohyeah: lol without chocolate :)