Masters practice after tooth extraction

Hey gang--just had a tooth extracted today, and the advice was no workout today (to be expected) but I'd be fine after that. However, searching online, I'm seeing advice not to swim for a week or more. What's your experience/advice on this? I had to skip practice today; next practice is two days from now (Thursday). I really want to get back to it but I wonder how safe it would be to go ahead with swimming. Thoughts? Granted, what I want to hear is "no problem at all, go for it"--but I also have to pay attention if there are risks. Thanks!
  • Do not get it infected!!! Wait a week or at least 5 days before you get into the bug & who knows what water.. What did yo get from the tooth fairy?
  • Who was the advice from to not swim? Dentist or pool staff? I'm trying to come up with the reason the dentist wouldn't want you to swim? Maybe because the tooth socket is an open wound and the pool water that will inevitably get in your mouth may cause an infection??? Dan
  • Who was the advice from to not swim? Dentist or pool staff? I'm trying to come up with the reason the dentist wouldn't want you to swim? Maybe because the tooth socket is an open wound and the pool water that will inevitably get in your mouth may cause an infection??? Dan Dentist seemed to think it would be ok. I'm just paranoid. Maybe I'll call the office tomorrow just to be safe. But I thought it worth seeing what others' experience was. Sent from my SM-N910V using Tapatalk
  • If you get your heart rate too high too soon you run the risk of disrupting the clot and getting dry socket.Dry socket is painful and slows healing. My dentist said that if I had throbbing my HR was too high and to not continue.If you feel OK and no throbbing,go for it.
  • Hi! I'm a 60 year old woman, and have been swimming with Masters for 22 years. Over the past 6 years, I've had a total of 7 teeth extracted and implants placed. Of course, follow the advice of your dentist/oral surgeon!! I usually skip the first (and sometimes second) practice after a tooth is extracted. I usually swim M/W/F/Sunday ----So, out of the water 4-6 days. Sorry! The reason is because I don't want to disrupt the clot, and get a dry socket. Also, when the heart rate goes up, it throbs! When I come back to practice, the first couple workouts are "easy"----nothing at max speed. I've done 2 warm-ups and called it a day. I've had good luck, and happy healing through the years. One thing I've come to respect is that even though it's just a little tooth, and "just outpatient"--- it's still surgery, and it's still in your head---which is a big deal! Hope this helps, and I wish you all the best!
  • Hi! I'm a 60 year old woman, and have been swimming with Masters for 22 years. Over the past 6 years, I've had a total of 7 teeth extracted and implants placed. Of course, follow the advice of your dentist/oral surgeon!! I usually skip the first (and sometimes second) practice after a tooth is extracted. I usually swim M/W/F/Sunday ----So, out of the water 4-6 days. Sorry! The reason is because I don't want to disrupt the clot, and get a dry socket. Also, when the heart rate goes up, it throbs! When I come back to practice, the first couple workouts are "easy"----nothing at max speed. I've done 2 warm-ups and called it a day. I've had good luck, and happy healing through the years. One thing I've come to respect is that even though it's just a little tooth, and "just outpatient"--- it's still surgery, and it's still in your head---which is a big deal! Hope this helps, and I wish you all the best! Thanks for your input. I will say it feels better today than yesterday, when as much as I LOVE my masters' practice, I had zero interest in attending, which told me something just by itself. Today I'm going to take things easy, just walk/easy run, maybe. Next practice is tomorrow evening. Interesting, there's almost no pain now... I took a turmeric capsule this morning, which may or may not just be a placebo. But whatever. If I feel better, that's all good!
  • I lost all four of my lower molars from cracks down to the roots. One extraction ended up leading to a dry socket, which was awful. More recently, I had to have an upper molar extracted. The dentist who did the upper molar extraction told me it would be okay to swim in two days. I was surprised because the dentist for the lower extractions had recommended just shy of a week before returning to the pool. When I asked him about the discrepancy, he told me upper extractions seem to have less problems than lower ones. Anyhow, you might want to factor this into your deliberations. If the removed tooth was in the lower jaw, you should allow it a bit more time before resumption of vigorous exercise. If it was an upper, apparently you can resume workouts sooner. Of course, don't take my word for this! At least not definitively...
  • Do not get it infected!!! Wait a week or at least 5 days before you get into the bug & who knows what water.. What did yo get from the tooth fairy? I was supposed to get something from the tooth fairy? Gonna reread that contract! :) Sent from my SM-N910V using Tapatalk
  • I lost all four of my lower molars from cracks down to the roots. One extraction ended up leading to a dry socket, which was awful. More recently, I had to have an upper molar extracted. The dentist who did the upper molar extraction told me it would be okay to swim in two days. I was surprised because the dentist for the lower extractions had recommended just shy of a week before returning to the pool. When I asked him about the discrepancy, he told me upper extractions seem to have less problems than lower ones. Anyhow, you might want to factor this into your deliberations. If the removed tooth was in the lower jaw, you should allow it a bit more time before resumption of vigorous exercise. If it was an upper, apparently you can resume workouts sooner. Of course, don't take my word for this! At least not definitively... Jim, Upper tooth extraction so that's promising. Thanks for the tip. All, thanks for sharing your stories and advice. I didn't need Tylenol until bedtime today which is something. I hope your dental woes are over by now! Not a comfortable experience at all! Sent from my SM-N910V using Tapatalk
  • One time, I had a little set back after having a lower molar removed. Tooth out Wednesday. Swam just 2000 on the following Sunday, all easy-- all good. Then did 4000 on the next Wednesday (one week after extraction). Tooth place started "barking" after that workout and I was worried about dry socket, so had to go back to oral sugeon for checkup. No dry socket, so that was good!! But, they said I had just done too much too soon. Facial and jaw muscles used when you swim. Increased blood flow. I skipped another practice, and then was fine. I just remembered this, and checked it in my GTD diary! Good luck! Thinking I'll go to practice tonight and keep it conservative. ... if it starts to throb, I'll back off. Sent from my SM-N910V using Tapatalk