Masters practice after tooth extraction

Hey gang--just had a tooth extracted today, and the advice was no workout today (to be expected) but I'd be fine after that. However, searching online, I'm seeing advice not to swim for a week or more. What's your experience/advice on this? I had to skip practice today; next practice is two days from now (Thursday). I really want to get back to it but I wonder how safe it would be to go ahead with swimming. Thoughts? Granted, what I want to hear is "no problem at all, go for it"--but I also have to pay attention if there are risks. Thanks!
  • One time, I had a little set back after having a lower molar removed. Tooth out Wednesday. Swam just 2000 on the following Sunday, all easy-- all good. Then did 4000 on the next Wednesday (one week after extraction). Tooth place started "barking" after that workout and I was worried about dry socket, so had to go back to oral sugeon for checkup. No dry socket, so that was good!! But, they said I had just done too much too soon. Facial and jaw muscles used when you swim. Increased blood flow. I skipped another practice, and then was fine. I just remembered this, and checked it in my GTD diary! Good luck!
  • Well, I went to swim practice last night, and had no problems. Next practice is tomorrow so let's see how that goes. Sent from my SM-N910V using Tapatalk