Swim MAC Elite - A Study In Failure At Trials?

Former Member
Former Member
How does David Marsh get all these athletes to join his group, and then they get worse while training with him, while college boys and girls surpass them? How did he get appointed as womens coach for the US team?
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 8 years ago
    Dressel shouldn't have been close except for the superior coaching of Gregg Troy. Marsh has everything at his disposal that Troy does not have. Cullen Jones and Anthony Irvin only have to prepare long course and train for trials. Cullen Jones' failure to qualify is a huge indictment on Marsh. I'm curious, have you spoken with athletes from SwimMac? It would seem to me that they would be in a far better position to make indictments (lol!) of their coach than some online forum poster with limited information. Marsh is a well respected coach for a reason. What exactly are your qualifications?
  • Lochte was more injured that it was let on to be.
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 8 years ago
    By not improving their times Sooooo... Bowman out? 'Cuz Phelps hasn't had a best time in the good part of a decade... - by allowing college age athletes to surpass them Silly. This is just silly. College is when boys become men. In other words, when you're more likely to improve. Because biology. - Litherland has no business beating Lochte when Litherland is limited by NCAA training guidelines. An injured Lochte. You forgot to mention that. And what happened to Litherland and Lochte in the 200IM? You know, the IM event more geared to an older swimmer? Phelps himself has said several times that the 400IM is brutal for an older swimmer to swim b/c it takes so much longer to recover, which limits training.
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 8 years ago
    By not improving their times - by allowing college age athletes to surpass them - Litherland has no business beating Lochte when Litherland is limited by NCAA training guidelines. It's just not fair that the older athletes are being shown up by people ten years younger. (insert sarcasm :)) Yes, the NCAA training guidelines really seem to put a damper on how well the college kids perform these days. Maybe they don't deserve to be breaking the old tech suit records either.
  • I'm curious, could you explain what is "Everything" and be specific with your assessment?
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 8 years ago
    It's just not fair that the older athletes are being shown up by people ten years younger. (insert sarcasm :)) Yes, the NCAA training guidelines really seem to put a damper on how well the college kids perform these days. Maybe they don't deserve to be breaking the old tech suit records either. Marsh has EVERYTHING at his disposal to coach his elite team with - and Dara Torres made the Olympics at age 40 plus.
  • Oh, what the hell, I'll take the bait. I swim for SwimMAC Carolina (please note correct spelling going forward). My two kids swim for the club. I was the Masters coach for almost 3 years and a volunteer assistant AG coach there for a while as well while back in grad school. We have a very unique and wonderful environment where Olympians and aspiring Olympians train beside age groupers. It is something to behold seeing the world's best come into the pool at the same time as our youngest age groups. To make it even more impressive Charlotte has an abysmal lane space issue. Our pools are crowded and lane space is at a premium throughout the metro region. To claim that Team Elite is a failure overlooks just about everything that is fact based. This is a club that has for decades produced Olympians, a few that are true home grown talent. This year we are sending six. That's one club in one city. We are proud of all our professional athletes and their accomplishments regardless of whether they made the final team. Coming on an internet forum to spew is fine but but it looks far different here on the deck.
  • Thanks for the explanation Aquageek. Understanding what the structure of the organization does help with understanding and not perception. Especially when a person, such as yourself has firsthand knowledge.
  • I wish I could fail that bad.
  • Dude handpicked his own team of Olympians and they get money to swim for him. Lochte was not in condition in the 400 IM - he gives the excuse of the groin - but for Litherland to pass him on the final 50 points to Bauerle outcoaching Marsh. Yeah, the athletes are all equal machines, and the outcomes are 100% the responsibility of the coaches. :blah: Here's Lochte at the 2012 trials. 1.bp.blogspot.com/.../Ryan Lochte 2012 Olympic Swimming Team Trials LpmzG2YszHLl.jpg And here he is at the 2016 trials www4.pictures.zimbio.com/.../2016 Olympic Team Swimming Trials Day 1 Kdl1_W6uHadl.jpg Too this untrained eye, it sure looks like maybe he hasn't been quite as disciplined with the diet as in the past. And if the diet discipline has slipped a little, maybe the training discipline has as well? I don't know. What I do know is that Lochte is the one ultimately responsible for his performances, both good and bad. He's not some age-grouper swimming with a team just because its the one close enough for mom and dad to drive him too. Nor is he a college kid obligated to a team by a scholarship. He's an adult and a professional, with well over a decade of international competition experience, who swims with whatever coach he damn well wants. If the coach wasn't giving him what he wanted, he would have walked away in a heartbeat.