FLOG Goals for 2015: Will you make, break or forsake?

There are less than 4 weeks to go before the end of December and 2015. Are you on track to make your goals? Will you exceed your goals beyond your wildest dreams? Or is it (at last) time to re-assess? There is still time. Perhaps some last minute cramming.....
  • In 2014 I swam 597 miles. So, my 2015 goal was naturally 600. Now I am sitting with an outside chance of reaching 700. New Years Eve swim of 100 100s will help, if my shoulders hold out.
  • Yes, yay! I spent the first 4 months of the year out of the pool and was behind almost all the way up to about 2 weeks ago. It was a long hard road to 200 miles, but it's great to be back.
  • I have zero chance of making my goal. I set it at 500 miles this year which historically I've exceeded. However: My goal pace: 464.38 miles required as of today to reach my goal by the end of the event My actual current pace: 344.31 miles as of today So I don't think I'm going to make it this year. The "mile per day" milestone is more realistic at this point. :)
  • Summer slipped away, along with my FLOG goal. Oh well, there's always next year :)
  • I was behind for a long time, until like August, I think. Then I did my birthday swim of 100/year, and have been averaging at least 5000 most days. I'm about 20 miles ahead of "schedule" now, on target for the 500 miles. I was about to throw in the towel in July, though. How some of these Amazons get in 1000 miles and upward really amazes me. But then triathletes amaze me. I'm easily amazed!
  • How some of these Amazons get in 1000 miles and upward really amazes me. Me too, unless they are doing exclusively long easy distance this seems like an astounding amount of work. And if it is all LED it's still a lot of hours in the pool. If you swim six days a weeks it works out to more than three miles per day (5,625 yards per workout, if my calculations are correct).
  • It is coming down to the wire. As long as it does not get very cold here this month (I do most of my swimming outdoors), I should make it. I have 15 miles left on the mile-per-day and I know I won't swim much the last week or two with the holidays. I did not think I'd ever make it after taking 2 full week vacations during the year in which I did NO swimming, and then my primary pool closed for 6 weeks in the fall so I was limited to 2 short workouts per week. But I am back on track.
  • I'm on track to reach my very modest goal of 180 miles. I've been able to hit 200 in the past, but given a lot of life events this year (family illness/ hospitalizations; February's "winter from hell"), I count myself lucky to have been able to swim on a consistent basis at all.
  • Nope - not this tear with my 5th hip operation happening in OCT. Oh well - there is always next year for me and the Cubs & Chicago Bears
  • I actually just made my mileage goal (matching last year's mileage) yesterday. Albeit significantly lesser than those mentioned above. It's still tough for me to hit. As a triathlete I don't hit the pool as frequently as many of you. FWIW, I'm also right at my running mileage goal, and about 220 miles over my cycling goal (both were to match/exceed last year's mileage too). But...for next year's goal....at least for swimming...I'm thinking that I may focus more on the frequency of swim workouts rather than total mileage. At times I've felt that swimming more frequently, but sometimes for less yardage, is more beneficial. Dan