Shoulder Surgery advice

I am scheduled to have Shoulder Surgery (Arthroscopic) in November to remove a bone spur. Thankfully it is only a bone spur and I do not have any rotator cuff damage. Does anyone have any thoughts on pre-surgery rehab? A lane mate of mine suggested it and said it made a huge difference in his post surgery rehab from shoulder reconstruction surgery a few years ago. Also, if you had the surgery- how long were you out of the water? Thanks.
  • a lot depends on the shape you are in now, what you can do before, if that really is the only thing done in the surgery, and post-op. its not just 1,2,3 done. and we are all different. i also had shoulder impingement and had the end of my acromion cut off. ie removal of a bone spur that does not hurt. what hurts is the hole they punch through your rotator cuff (usually super spinatus) the 2 holes that are punched through your deltiod. sure its only 1 or 2 stiches to close (about the size of a pencil), but its all meat. rent or buy the polar pack ice unit that circulates ice cold water around your shoulder that the docs put on post-op. plan on using 15-20lbs of ice a day for several days to keep it "comfortably numb". i went through 90lbs of ice. yes the imobolizer sling n tummy pad is no fun. prepare to sleep in a reclining chair for the 1st week. the more you work rehab the faster you are back. you can make usms spring nats! steve
  • Jerry.. Ha.. That is who my lane mate recommended.. Are you going to be having the Sunbelt this year with the MCAC being closed? Steve.. Thanks for the advice.. Never heard of the Polar Pack Ice Unit.. I will have to look into that.. My goal is to go to Greensboro if at all possible.. I know that I won't be swimming my best times, but I enjoyed it when they had it there a few years ago. Are you going?
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 9 years ago
    I had several pins/screws put into my shoulder after being in an accident. I agree with the use of ice... But if you hurt don't hesitate to use your pain meds. There is research that shows you heal faster when pain is properly managed. My physical therapy was quite aggressive (PT code for painful). Therapist told me to take pain meds before therapy. That helped. Best of luck with your surgery and recovery.
  • smky buy/rent one!!!! heck yes i am going to greensboro...i have some more ice cream to win!
  • you are most welcome i am glad you are improving rapidly sadly i have done something yet again to mine and am limping along... this morning i made the difficult decision to take 4 days off when i need to be at only 1 :(
  • Steve/ Laineybug.. Thanks for the info on the cold therapy machine.. I ended up using one for about 2 weeks after my surgery (in early November). I am back in the water (swimming only *** stroke and kicking) and hope to start some freestyle/back stroke this week after getting my surgeons blessing.. The Physical Terrorist that I am seeing knows that I am anxious to get back in the water and has put me thru the ringer with my therapy.. Thanks again for the info on the cold therapy machine.. Ice Cream to win? Where do I sign up for that? Do they have a beer division? :)