2015 Worlds / Who's doping & who's clean

2015 Worlds / Who's doping & who's clean 2015 Worlds Results Day 1 Sun, Aug 2, 2015 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Day 6 Day 7 Day 8
  • Then they should redefine the fourth stroke as "forward crawl" in the IM. Freestyle means anything goes, but what everyone interprets it to mean is the crawl. Then define rules accordingly. Personally, I would hate a competitive stroke being labeled "crawl." Sounds dreadful; it's an outdated term mostly used by people who don't compete (or even swim). And why is it even necessary to invent and define a 5th stroke? There is no one who wouldn't do freestyle on the last leg of an IM. If they're doing a few dolphin kicks on their back, side or belly first, who cares? As long as they are up by the 15 m mark.
  • It's what you do when you surface to swim.....which should be free in the IM. He would only have a problem if he broke out on his back.
  • FINA will probable make you leave on your side or *** going forward.
  • So, at what point do you need to be on your front on the turn? Five meters, three meters, before your feet leave the wall?I guess we need to wait for the FINA rule, but if there is one I expect it will be similar to the rule for fly or *** turns “…after each turn, the body shall be on the ***. It is not permitted to roll onto the back at any time except at the turn after the touch of the wall where it is permissible to turn in any manner as long as the body is on the *** when leaving the wall.” This could be more problematic in short course or the 400 IM where there is a free to free flip turn where you are on your back before your feet hit the wall and many of us push of not completely on our ***.
  • This could be more problematic in short course or the 400 IM where there is a free to free flip turn where you are on your back before your feet hit the wall and many of us push of not completely on our ***. You shouldn't push off on your *** if you're doing a correct flip turn. You should steadily and continuously rotate from back to side to front. Why are people saying dolphin kick = fly? The dolphin kick is used in all four strokes. I do more dolphin kicking in a 50 back than I do backstroke swimming ...
  • This seems like a typical FINA response, shoot from the hip without thinking through the consequences (see the BR pullout and tech suit fiascos). The BR to free turn could kind of, sort of make sense without BK dolphin, but the free to free turn in IM will require everyone to change how they do the turn if they change the rule.
  • Why are people saying dolphin kick = fly? The dolphin kick is used in all four strokes. I do more dolphin kicking in a 50 back than I do backstroke swimming ...I believe the dolphin kick discussion is a bit of hyperbole. However, currently dolphin kick is defined as an aspect of the butterfly stroke; similar to how being on your back is defined as an aspect of backstroke. The debate seems to be centered on how many aspects of a stroke must be present and for how long for your swim to be considered that stroke. This seems like a typical FINA response, shoot from the hip without thinking through the consequencesI’m not sure who is shooting from the hip. To the best of my knowledge FINA hasn’t said anything officially. All the conversation appears to be is coming from the swimming community, not FINA. It may just be rampant speculation on our part or it may be a trial balloon floated by FINA. I’m very interested in seeing where this goes.
  • Yep, FINA clarified. For once, I agree with Rowdy that it is "ridiculous." www.swimmingworldmagazine.com/.../ Swimming World says it's FINA.
  • You shouldn't push off on your *** if you're doing a correct flip turn. You should steadily and continuously rotate from back to side to front. Exactly correct, and since this is the case it makes the FINA ruling preposterous. So when does one need to be on their *** for it to be "not backstroke?" Maybe FINA can make the interpretation like Potter Stewart's on pornography "we can't define backstroke, but we know it when we see it."
  • Swimming World says it's FINA.Swimming World says it is a German Web site ("according to an article by the German website swimsportnews").