Help needed to impove my breaststroke

Former Member
Former Member
Hello fellow-swimmers! Could you please check out videos of my breaststroke. So far 50m *** is my best distance. But for the last two years I haven’t been able to break 36+ seconds limit (SC). That’s a snippet of 50m at race speed: I have more videos, but so far the forum allows me to add only one. Mistakes, drills to fix them, stretching exercises? I’m total amateur, 35 years old, it’s my 6th year of competitive swimming. Thanks!
  • I have looked at this several times.It is better and almost great.The problem seems subtle,but it is messing up your transition from pull phase to kick phase.You are keeping your back very stiff as you go from the arm insweep to recovery.This means that as you start your kick your body is swimming up hill.Your kick aims slightly down,which would be OK if it was a prelude to a propulsive undulation,but it isn't,instead you glide with your legs going down. As you start the out sweep of the hands you push the hips forward appropriately,but as you shoot the arms forward you want to push your hips(and butt) back forcefully to get them closer to the surface and to get the front of your body into a horizontal,streamlined position.
  • Your breaststroke definitely looks a lot better! Congratulations on making these technical improvements. One thing I noticed, especially in the kick at back, is that you are not bringing your feet together at the finish of the kick (bottom of the feet should ideally be touching) and you are allowing your feet to continue to drag under water instead of bringing them back to the surface. Keep incorporating drills into your sets and your breaststroke will continue to improve. Good luck!
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 9 years ago
    Nice improvement, especially the amount of time spent in streamline position with the head under water. I would change your kick so that the heels come together with the feet pointing straight down. There is zero need to point the feet backwards at the end of the kick. By pointing the feet straight down you will feel an upwards movement of the legs, essentially pushing the lets and butt upwards nearer the waters surface. So much more streamlined. The best way to get faster is drills, scull drills for the hands and fast kicking drills for the legs. One drill that will help your finishing your kick will be vertical boards, using a kick board as a barge. Your kick will be very slow, hardly moving. But finishing your kick with the feet crashing into each other, soles touching, you can actually move along nicely.
  • I would change your kick so that the heels come together with the feet pointing straight down. There is zero need to point the feet backwards at the end of the kick. . Are you suggesting that the feet should be pointed perpendicular to the legs at the end of the leg thrust? I've check videos of several elite breaststrokers and none of them seem to end the leg thrust with their feet pointing straight down (Amanda Beard being one?) I apologize if I misunderstood what you meant but could you clarify?
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 9 years ago
    Try making your catch more downward immediately. So it should be more like butterfly catch, right? How much AFAP BR are you swimming in workout? Not a lot - about 8-10x25
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 9 years ago
    This is now: - not a lot of improvement? Had couple competitions and I'm still there: 36+ sec. One can check a clock on me ))
  • This is now: - not a lot of improvement? Had couple competitions and I'm still there: 36+ sec. One can check a clock on me )) My first thought was,looks pretty good,and it does.But there are a couple of things.First,I think that in a effort to recover your hands over the water you are shooting them too far up and not straight forward,slightly increasing drag.Second,as you begin the catch on your pull,you are moving your hand out to the side to anchor the catch.While that is how many of us were taught,it is non-propulsive and breaks streamline.Try making your catch more downward immediately. How much AFAP BR are you swimming in workout? It may be that you are doing too much slower pace swimming for you to optimize your sprinting.
  • So it should be more like butterfly catch, right? Not a lot - about 8-10x25 Somewhat like fly,but narrower.A few years ago I had a velocity analysis of my stroke and it showed I was slowing down while spreading my hands for the catch.I started going directly into the pull,making the pull narrower and found it was faster for me. 8-10 25s is great,but when are you doing them in the workout and what is the rest interval.Traditionally, coaches have had swimmers do sprints at the end of the workout,and I think that is a mistake. Do your sprinting while fresh,but after a good warm up.If you want to swim a 35 then you need to be swimming your 25s in high 18s or faster.If you can't do that,you are not getting enough rest. 25s with 10-15 sec rest is not sprinting,25s on the minute or 1:15 or even 1:30 can be.
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 9 years ago
    I started going directly into the pull,making the pull narrower and found it was faster for me. Ok, I'll try it. 25s with 10-15 sec rest is not sprinting,25s on the minute or 1:15 or even 1:30 can be. Usually after 400m warm up I do sets like this: I sprint a 25, exhale in water for 40-60s, then sprint back a 25. Then do 50m of relaxed BR kicking on the back. Let my pulse down. Then do it over again.
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 9 years ago
    Ok, I'll try it. Usually after 400m warm up I do sets like this: I sprint a 25, exhale in water for 40-60s, then sprint back a 25. Then do 50m of relaxed BR kicking on the back. Let my pulse down. Then do it over again. I may be confused, but are you doing the second 25 without breathing in between?