Belmont Pool Closed

Belmont Pool Closed "On Thursday, January 10th, the City of Long Beach closed the pool indefinitely after a structural analysis found that the pool was “seismically unsafe,” meaning that even a moderate earthquake would cause severe damage to the facility."
  • There are a number of us who are concerned about the fate of La Palapa. The City is having one-on-one discussions with them. I do not see room for them in the design for the new facility, and given the new facility will have three indoor pools (therapeutic pool, competition pool, diving pool) I don't see La Palapa surviving the renovation. I'll keep an eye on their fate and try to keep everyone informed. I believe after the above ground pool is in place we should have a real good idea of the fate of La Palapa. Since that will be the beginning of the end for the current facility. I don't know if you notice that Yankee Doodles is now closed. About one or two months ago. Not entirely sure what happened there. I worked there ages ago. Some of us would go there after workouts or after evening swims.
  • The main entrance at Bennett and Ocean is now completely closed. The construction crew has begun taking out the parking meters and ripping out the little walkways where the parking meters are placed. I was told that portion of the parking lot will be leveled and and new (level) layer of asphalt will be placed there for the above ground pool. I was also told, last night, that the above ground pool will be 50 meters long X 25 meters wide. The area is larger than anticipated because the deck will hold some type of bleacher seating. The Staff at Belmont told me that they do anticipate hosting some competitions in the above ground pool. They are not sure just yet what competitions, but that there is something in the works. Probably USA Swimming, and local High School Water Polo.
  • I have not swum at the little outdoor Belmont Pool for the last three weeks. Shame on me. I have been swimming in a few other pools, which I guess is OK since I am still able to swim somewhere. I went to the Belmont Pool on Saturday to get a first hand look at the progress on the above ground pool. The lining is completed. The decking, and ramp, is finished, however, there is a lot of work under the deck that still has to be completed. Also, aside from the deck they still have to complete, or bring in, the temporary bathrooms, showers, and Lifeguard office. My personal opinion, the above ground pool will not be ready for swimmers until December. I was informed, off the record, the Department of Public Works, for Long Beach, would give provide an announcement when the above ground pool would be open. I'll monitor the Department of Public Works website going forward. A lot of local swimmers are getting anxious to swim in the new, temporary, pool. Will keep all of you informed as best I can. Regards,
  • A question about the Commerce pool,Where the SPMS meet will be instead of Belmont:Is it likely to be as cold in the pool area as Belmont always was,or is the air heated?
  • I don't believe so. The building is newer, and the seals on the doors fit well. At Belmont the doors facing the ocean did not close all the way. Unless its a very blustry day I don't see an issue here. Besides if you get cold you could go into the sauna. I am pretty sure I mentioned that in an earlier post. I'll try to visit Commerce again this upcoming weekend and provide an update.
  • Awesome, finally made it into the pool this morning for the 6:00 am public lap swimming session in the City of Commerce. The water was exactly 80F, and the water quality was excellent. The Lifeguards told me the water is usually in the 79F-80F range. There was a chilly breeze this morning, but you could not tell once you entered the facility. Until someone left a door oen but it was quickly closed by another patron. The Lifeguards I spoke with told me the facility is designed for swimmers. Once your out of the pool you are not cold. If your just sitting on deck then you will probably be very warm. I felt the water pressure in the showers was somewhere between medium and week, but it did the job after my swim. The Lifeguards also told me that the SCM meet will be the first Masters meet to be held at this facility. The outside of the building now has two signs that say "Brenda Villa Aquatic Center". The signs were not up last time I visited the facility trying to get a swim workout. Will try for another workout at the facility in the next week before the SCM meet. Even though I lived in the area many years ago I got turned around this morning due to construction on the 710 northbound freeway. Please plan accordingly if you are using the 710 freeway northbound to the Bandini/Atlantic exit.
  • For anyone participaing at SCMs in City of Commerce. At little guide I made for out of town participants. I sent an e-mail to Splish to see if they would open their warehouse on Friday and/or Saturday to Masters Swimmers or have a booth at the pool facility. I am still wating for their response. 8124 Thanks,that is helpful.
  • Response from Splish. "We do not have any plans at the moment to have a booth, and our office/warehouse is closed on Friday, Sat, Sunday. If anything changes, I'lll let you know." Perhaps if enough swimmers send e-mails to Splish they will re-consider opening up their warehouse.
  • For anyone participaing at SCMs in City of Commerce. At little guide I made for out of town participants. I sent an e-mail to Splish to see if they would open their warehouse on Friday and/or Saturday to Masters Swimmers or have a booth at the pool facility. I am still wating for their response. 8124This is great, but what would be even better than Splish opening their doors would be heat winner prizes from Commerce Casino in the form of chips and a post-meet beverages supplied by Garcias.