50 50's on :50?

we've got a 50th birthday at swim practice tomorrow. It's also our last day for two weeks until the pool re-opens. Does anyone have an idea of a really fun workout for an hour featuring 50's? We've got a diverse mix of fast and less fast swimmers. Thanks!
  • 50x50 on 50 is a really good 50th birthday set, not just for its numerological significance, but also because (for me at least) it reminds me of age group practice when I was a kid. I had a club team coach who loved to give us this set. I probably haven't done this set since I was around 13 years old, so swimming it would really take me back.
  • For my 50th I did the 50 50’s on :50 fly. I’m not sure I’d characterize it as “a really fun workout”, but it was a good challenge set.
  • Thanks for the ideas! We had fun with it, so in addition to brining 50 munchkins to the pool*, we did: WARM UP: 1 X 350, done as 7 50's on 6:50 1 X 250, kick with FINS, done as 5 50's on 4:10 1 x 150, pull, done as 3 50's on 2:30 1 X 50, ALL OUT on :50 MAIN SET: 10 X 50 on :50, Butterfly drill: alternating one-arm fly with flutter kick (note: if you end up just doing freestyle, that's kinda the point.) 5 X 50 on :50, Dolphin dives for 12.5, swim all out for 25, dolphin kicks for 12.5 5 X 50 on :50, ALL OUT, like you were chasing down a bear that stole your donuts. 4 X 50 on :50, SIDESTROKE**, odds on left, evens on right 4 X 50 on :50, IMO, but you'll probably just end up doing them all as backstroke, anyway 1 X 200 on 3:20, broken at the 50's 2 X 50 choice If time remains after 2500: water polo, vertical kicking, diving for quarters, in-water relay starts, open-water turn practice, just float, have fun, swim as hard as you can, or just eat donuts. We did in-water relay starts, over-50 swimmers vs. under-50 swimmers. The unders won the freestyle relay (with the aid of fins) and the overs won the 25 yards of dolphin dives / 25 yards of corkscrew swim relay. *We toyed with the idea of making the birthday celebrant eat a munchkin after each 50, but no one wanted to be on clean-up duty. **SIDESTROKE - the best part of the workout. I believe the time has come for a sidestroke revitalization in the swimming world.
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 11 years ago
    oooooo.... i like it!!! think i'll have my team do this one tonight!! they'll love me for it! ;)
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 11 years ago
    I remember that set from my youth. I hated it! Basically I have a problem with any set that includes more than 10 repetitions, though.
  • I sort of did this set. I did 50 50's but they weren't on the :50 because I did 25 of them kick and we were set up in meters. And well, lets face it; I turned 50 years old that day. Also, as a side note. I did complete 100 miles of kick in 2012.
  • I feel bad for the swimmers who will be expected to do 100 x 100's on 1:00. :drowning:
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 11 years ago
    :D I think we can give them 1:40, it's 100 seconds!
  • Hmm, 100x100 on 1:00 or 100x100 on 1:40? One's too hard, the other too boring.When you are 100 years old and give this set a try you may find both intervals to be a challenge. I’m hoping the 75 X 75’s on 75 (1:15) won’t be insurmountable when I’m 75.
  • I’m hoping the 75 X 75’s on 75 (1:15) won’t be insurmountable when I’m 75. A worthy goal, indeed.