The Butterfly Lane

Butterfly, beautiful to watch, difficult to train. We SDK off every wall. We're most likely to smack hands with each other and those beside us. Fly's fun to sprint but no fun when the piano comes down What did you do in practice today? the breastroke lane The Middle Distance Lane The Backstroke Lane The Butterfly Lane The SDK Lane The Taper Lane The Distance Lane The IM Lane The Sprint Free Lane The Pool Deck
  • Couple questions for the butterfly lane...where should my hands be when I breath? Also, on occasion I feel as though I am lifting too much water on my back/upper shoulders? Am I coming up too early to breath and/or possibly going too deep? Thanks! Butterfly is all about the timing! In regards to your first question, you should be breathing more towards the end of the pull. It is difficult to answer your following questions without actually seeing you swim. It could be the case that you are diving too deep, as this is a common issue, but again, I would need to see your stroke to make an absolute determination.
  • Thanks for answering Swimspire. A couple weeks ago my coach told me that I was breathing too late. He suggested that I try to breath with my hands more forward than under my hips. I had been focusing on breathing under the hips but was playing with it the other day and found I had more momentum towards the front. I have since moved and am coach less and swimming on my own! I will see if in a few weeks I can get a video posted. In the meantime, I am slowly reading through this thread to see if I can figure it out. I've watched videos but it is difficult to tell as it all happens so quickly.
  • Thanks for answering Swimspire. A couple weeks ago my coach told me that I was breathing too late. He suggested that I try to breath with my hands more forward than under my hips. I had been focusing on breathing under the hips but was playing with it the other day and found I had more momentum towards the front. I have since moved and am coach less and swimming on my own! I will see if in a few weeks I can get a video posted. In the meantime, I am slowly reading through this thread to see if I can figure it out. I've watched videos but it is difficult to tell as it all happens so quickly. Having somebody shoot video of your stroke will really cut to the chase. Until you can see yourself on video, it will be difficult to figure out. (Trust me, I know from experience!) Once my husband started shooting video (both topside and underwater), it was much easier and quicker to correct stroke flaws. It is especially helpful if you can view the video and then make the correction immediately. I will watch the new video clip at the end of each 25 yard segment and attempt to make an immediate correction. We'll repeat the process until I've gotten it right.
  • Thanks Elaine, I will try to do this! My daughters are in tow with me everyday now so they should be able to get some video...just not sure I want to see it! Hope you are recovering!
  • :cane:Soon you will be back in the water to work on your form as well! Heal quickly!:D Thanks Elaine, I will try to do this! My daughters are in tow with me everyday now so they should be able to get some video...just not sure I want to see it! Hope you are recovering! Thanks, Orca and 'swim! :D
  • A Masters swimmer from Australia is doing 100m continuous fly for each $100 he raises in this fundraiser: So far, he's up to $500 - so looks like there will be a new Butternut come February!
  • Very cool fund raiser. The furthestI have gone is 1,000 yards fly. OK I'm a butternut.
  • Very cool fund raiser. The furthestI have gone is 1,000 yards fly. OK I'm a butternut. Double that and we're tied. Have you joined the Butternuts? The t-shirt is well worth it! 9259
  • No I did not. I will try in 2015 to match your 2k fly swim - awesome !!!!!!
  • No I did not. I will try in 2015 to match your 2k fly swim - awesome !!!!!! Here's the link: Good luck, Orca! :cheerleader: Don't forget to have somebody there to document it, if you're planning on joining the Butternuts.