The Butterfly Lane

Butterfly, beautiful to watch, difficult to train. We SDK off every wall. We're most likely to smack hands with each other and those beside us. Fly's fun to sprint but no fun when the piano comes down What did you do in practice today? the breastroke lane The Middle Distance Lane The Backstroke Lane The Butterfly Lane The SDK Lane The Taper Lane The Distance Lane The IM Lane The Sprint Free Lane The Pool Deck
  • Former Member
    Former Member
    First Distance Non-Crawl Postal Swim Warrenton Masters Swim Program is excited to be offering a one of a kind postal swim without "Crawl". "Butterfly is Not a Crime" The Medley Relays will be 3 x 500 Back, ***, and Fly. Imagine being the anchor of a relay finishing it up with a 500 fly. It can't get much better then that! You will have a year to swim events and you will be able to swim at meets, practices, or on your own for times. Open water events must be swum in USMS or FINA sanctioned events (insurance). You may submit as many times as you want during the year. Obviously the first ones in will automatically set an Unofficial World Nonconforming Record. They will receive an Official Proclamation from the mayor of our fair town, the Honorable George B Fitch (co-founder of the 1988 Jamaican Olympic Bobsled Team) proclaiming to the entire world the details of your feat. Our web site is in the last stage of beta and we need critical eyes. We will be submitting for sanction at the end of the week. Please send critical comments to I am curious to find out which stroke gets the most participants. Web Site link: 2013 - 2014 Butterfly is Not a Crime Distance Postal Swim This is simultaneously the best and the worst thing I have seen today. :banana:
  • Click on the link to the website. There are about 30 individual events and 15 relays! Lots of challenges! Web Site link: 2013 - 2014 Butterfly is Not a Crime Distance Postal Swim
  • Open water butterfly swimming video. Great core building. I recommend swimming in the opposite direction, it was hard to see the waves coming. You have to get your timing just right to be able to punch through the waves. This was a rare day at Virginia beach in August with no body else in the water other then the parasailing water skiers. There was a tremendous rip-tide just under the surface. It's fun to swim on red flag days. :applaud:
  • That sounds like this: I found this last night and tried the SAP drill and Half-fly today... nice! My legs and shoulders needed the break from a hard workout yesterday, but I expected this to be painfully slow. It really wasn't, and put me in touch with the way my hips should be driving the legs. I think especially in the underwaters I really thrash the legs b/c I'm trying to get distance and momentum, but in SAP and half-fly drills, without purposely kicking the legs, I was surprised to see how much momentum I was generating... a real revelation.
  • 500 Fly Prep Main Set 10 x 50 Fly on 1:00 500 pace (hold back, watch clock) Rest one min 500 Fly (even pace) go right into EZ 50 Free 5 x 100 Fly on 1:50 500 pace (hold back the first few, watch clock) Broken 200 fly at 25 (5 sec rest) SPEED! 6 x 25 Fly Sprint 20 sec rest Long warm down. Butterfly is Not a Crime Postal Swim is now Sanctioned by USMS! Swim 500yd, 400m, 1000yd, 800m, 1650yd, 1500m and open water 1mile 2 mile. Now mailing first mayoral proclamations to current record holders (unofficial, unrecognized, nonconforming world records)
  • 65+ young Joan Danielson of Oregon Masters sets new record in the 500 Fly for "Butterfly is Not a Crime Postal Swim" (now sanctioned by USMS). Next on her bucket list is the 1500 yard non-crawl IM! Go Joan! Main Set 4 x 50 Fly Build up from 1st 50 to max speed on 4th one. 6 x 100 butterfly 100 Fly with 25 easy Kick(odd on back, even on front) between each 100 as the rest (continuous) First length of each 100 stroke drill. 50 EZ free 3 x 200 broken 5 seconds at each 25. 1st Fly, 2nd Free, 3rd Fly 50 EZ kick
  • Main Set Sprint Ladders During ladders swim with active rest EZ 25 kick Keep up speed on hundred. The hundred on the third ladder needs to be within 5 seconds of the first one. 50 100 50 Fly No stop EZ 25 Kick between each 30 Seconds Rest 100 Crawl Distance per Stoke 1 min rest 2x50 Fly for Time, Attack first 2 strokes at start and out of turn. 30 Second Rest 8x50 Odd Crawl distance per stroke, Even fly Fast 1 min rest 50 100 50 Fly No stop EZ 25 Kick between each 1 min rest keep focus on good stroke form here. 50 100 50 Fly No stop EZ 25 Kick between each Focus on keeping 100 speed up
  • 'was looking for something else and found this: Denizens of this lane should approve.
  • Without reading all 34 pages of posts to see if anyone else is/was in the same boat as me, here's my situation: I've been swimming Masters for 2.5 years now and compete regularly (usually 7-10 meets per short course season). Back in the day, I was a backstroker and butterflier, and my events were the 200 back, 200 fly, and 400 IM. That was...a while...ago, though. Over the past 1.5 years, I've focused on backstroke and have had great results. Dropped back down to within 4 seconds of my old 200 back time at the Indy Nats. However, now I'd like to switch focus and work on my fly, specifically the 200 fly. I've been able to BS my way through the 50 and 100 fly the past couple years without much real fly training, and am fairly satisfied with how I've swum in them. For the 200 fly, though, I'm scratching my head on the most efficacious way to train for that event. Due to my work and coaching schedule (I coach both kiddos and Masters), I can only practice 3-4 times a week. I'm only one of two swimmers on the team who even consider doing more than a 100 fly, so none of the sets at the practices we swim at are written for flyers. I've pretty much written off any substantive fly training happening during the organized Masters practices, since there are just too many people for me to just swim fly instead of XYZ stroke we're supposed to be doing. My current plan is to swim three times a week with my team and then 2-3 times a week on my own (for about 1-1.5 hours each time). Since it's been so long since I trained for the 200 fly, and back then I was doing doubles and about 12,000 yards a day, what would y'all recommend I do to train for it when I swim on my own? I've swum the 200 fly three times in meets as a Masters swimmer. I did it once on a whim two years ago when I was able to practice 6 times a week, so I was in better overall shape than I am now, and went a 2:32. I swam it two weeks ago (after almost a month out of the water due to work conflicts) and went a 2:47. Swam it again this past weekend after swimming two practices all fly with fins and went a 2:43. My goal time is around a 2:20 by Santa Clara. I've got the technique down, I'm just struggling mightily with the endurance now, and have never trained for the 200 fly outside of age group swimming. EDIT--Man, I'd totally forgotten about the stroke/IM workouts that are posted on the forum. I'll check those out and modify them as needed. Still, I welcome any additional advice y'all have. Thanks!