New 5-Mile Swim in Richmond, VA

"To the Bridge & Back" is a new open water swim in Richmond, VA. It's late in the year - October 13, 2012- so it gives you plenty of time to prepare and doesn't conflict with most of the major swims out there. Entry fees are low, especially if you register with your own kayaker. All of the details can be found at
  • I've done this as a training swim, most recently a couple springs ago. I think water temp in the fall should be fine. The current is usually not a problem but it can be brutal; once it took me 4-5 times longer to reach the bridge than it did to come back. After you turn the bend you think the bridge is only 10-20 minutes away and you pick it hour later you're still swimming towards that darn bridge... Of course, in such circumstances there is always the entertainment value: I've seen some of the weaker swimmers -- aka triathletes (sorry, Jay :)) -- actually go backwards when swimming against the current. Assuming it doesn't conflict with anything, I'll be there. It will be fun. With this ringing endorsement of agony and horror, why not? Oh, and I will be wearing a wetsuit. Speaking of triathletes, I just got removed from a tri forum for mocking a person who took a 3 hour swim course and now coaches a "Masters" team.
  • Oh, and I will be wearing a wetsuit.Let the mocking begin, then. Speaking of triathletes, I just got removed from a tri forum for mocking a person who took a 3 hour swim course and now coaches a "Masters" team.They are very sensitive about their swimming skills. You must not poke them, make fun of their prodigious gear bags, wetsuits in pools, mindless laps with no sets ("Il Garbagio"), etc.
  • They are very sensitive about their swimming skills. You must not poke them, make fun of their prodigious gear bags, wetsuits in pools, mindless laps with no sets ("Il Garbagio"), etc. I also got in trouble for telling them they look ridiculous wearing a wet suit in a pool only to be told it was a "necessary" part of training. Training for what, I'm not sure. God forbid you tell them that flip turns make them better swimmers. Are you really not gonna wear a wet suit? I can't be the lone wolf out there ensconced in neoprene I guess.
  • Speaking of triathletes, I just got removed from a tri forum for mocking a person who took a 3 hour swim course and now coaches a "Masters" team. Thank you! A community service. Well done!
  • Are you really not gonna wear a wet suit? I can't be the lone wolf out there ensconced in neoprene I guess.Well, they say the water might be in the 70s. As long as the water's above 67 (and I get out there), I'll go without a wetsuit. I'll hopefully know by the end of my kid's academic year this year what my girls' fall break looks like to know if I can make the trip.
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 10 years ago
    I don't know why I can't get past the urge to respond to your post from 2 years ago. Why don't you take some time to understand a sport before criticizing it. Yes, its true that the average triathlete isn't as good a swimmer as an average Masters swimmer; however, most of the advanced triathletes are former college or team swimmers. Also, I would like to see you have the physical and mental endurance and guts to race a 2.4 mile open water swim with 2800 other swimmers fighting for a swim lane, ride a bike for 112 miles, then dismounting your bike and running a marathon. By the way I have done the Potomac 7.5 mile swim among other endurance swims and I don't do flipturns in the pool. I guess I suck at swimming. ----------------------------------------------- I also got in trouble for telling them they look ridiculous wearing a wet suit in a pool only to be told it was a "necessary" part of training. Training for what, I'm not sure. God forbid you tell them that flip turns make them better swimmers. Are you really not gonna wear a wet suit? I can't be the lone wolf out there ensconced in neoprene I guess.