swim night or day?

Former Member
Former Member
i usually swam evenings to start with,then increased to 3 evenings per week.I tried today(because i work mon to fri,and today is sat)swimming in the morning.I got up at 6 and got to the pool for 7am,i really enjoyed it the only thing was i didn't feel as flexible in the water as i do evenings after work,i tried stretching but still not much improvement..will this improve with more morning workouts or should i stick to nights?
  • Former Member
    Former Member
    I have read that most people do better at sports later in the day than earlier. I guess part of it is due to increased flexibility because your body is warmer. I prefer to swim early in the morning because it is convenient. I have found that on these shorter days with less light in the AM I do not swim as well as I do when there is sunlight. (I swim outdoors) I have also read that people who work out in the morning are usually more likely to do a workout than those who leave it for the evening hours.
  • Former Member
    Former Member
    I'm always stiffer in the morning, needing more time (yardage) to warm-up. I've talked about that to couple of my teammates just the other day, very briefly, and they said they experience the same thing. (relative to what 'flexible' is for them, personally.) I don't kow that should prevent one from swimming in the morning. You'll probably just have to know to expect different things from yourself in the morning swims, vs. afternoon/evening swims.
  • Former Member
    Former Member
    Originally posted by sparx35 only trouble was i was tired the rest of the day but i think i can get used to that Your body will adjust to that in few weeks.
  • Former Member
    Former Member
    it takes six weeks to form a habit, so stick with it for that long before you make any judgements about whether you have adjusted.
  • Former Member
    Former Member
    yea i can see why ,it was great and invigorating and there was hardly a soul in the water(me and about5 others),only trouble was i was tired the rest of the day but i think i can get used to that if i only do mornings on a saturday,and evenings mon.wed..if i win lottery i wont have pool days ....i'll have dry days where i occasionally leave the pool(to eat and shop..!)oh and sleep..
  • Former Member
    Former Member
    I used to train in the evenings, but the problem was that I then had all day to talk myself out of it. Now, I go to the 6am practices- I stumble out of bed, and next thing I know, I'm on deck... You'll get used to getting up early- it was SOOO hard to do at first, but now I'm used to it... give it time- It'll get better!!
  • Former Member
    Former Member
    Six weeks? I always thought it was three. Hmmm... Now I'm confused.
  • Former Member
    Former Member
    week 2 now,i'm up at 6am tommorrow morning for a swim,looking forward to it too!!!!!
  • Former Member
    Former Member
    Well done! Happy swimming, eliana
  • Former Member
    Former Member
    swimming in the morning works out great for me. i go to school feeling like i accomplished something. so if i have a really crappy day at least i know i got up early to go swim. :) going in the evening was too hard for me b/c i would go to swim at 6pm after the hs team was done, then swam till about 7:30 or 8 and then came home and ate something did a few other things and didn't sit down to study until 9. i have been trying to go walk/run on the treadmill at the gym in the evenings b/c i can do that and study at the same time. i just wish the pool and gym were open longer on the weekends. whats up with closing at 6? don't they know i have no life and might want to go swim or run at 9 or 10 pm.