Thanks for the info...sorry for the spelling. So many words on the web are abbreviated and shortened that I automatically go into contraction mode when writing.
You may also wish to check out They offer a video entitled “World Record Breaststroke Dryland Training” with Mark Bernardino, University of Virginia Head Coach; and featuring Ed Moses.
See,. A lot of good breaststroke information at this web site.
Pet peeve time. It just isn't this post but an accumulation of many others that have appeared over the years. (This is just the straw that broke a breaststroker's back). Everybody, please spell breaststroke correctly. The vast majority of the posters to the USMS forum don’t. Yes, there is a double ST in there.
After 40 years of swimming breaststroke I find that my knees won't let me swim a lot of breaststroke kick so I do most of my leg work on land. For leg strength I do squats on a machine at my gym-2 sets of 12 twice a week. This is at heavy weight but start low as it's easy to get hurt unless you build up slowly.For expolsive power I get in 5 feet of water and jump up as high as I can- 3 sets of 12 three times a week. For endurance I use the stairstep machine as I feel it most nearly mimics the kick in terms of muscles used. Exercise bikes are a good second choice but treadmills don't ude the right muscles. I also use an exercise ball to work on core muscles which are vital for streamlining and controling up & down movement. A good leg stretching exercise is to 1) lie on your stomach 2) pull your heels up as high as you can with your leg muscles 3) holding your knees still rotate the balls of your feet out as far as you can using only your leg muscles. Hold for 30 seconds This will stretch your quads knees & ankles but since you aren't applying external force you are unlikely to over stretch. I hope these ideas help.
This may be counter-intuitive, and it would have driven my old college coach nuts. The Thursday before my last meet on a Sunday, my workout pool was closed. I went upstairs to our indoor track and, carrying a two pound weight in each hand, did a three mile power walk. During the meet, I did my best time in the 100 *** in over six years. Go figure.
Allen, after swimming breaststroke for 40 years, when are you going to slow down. Even with bad legs you are still very fast.
I am fortunate, even with bad knees I have been able to kick a lot of breaststroke. I believe it is because I keep the muscles arround the knee joint strong by doing the correct exercises in the gym and by stretching more that most swimmers. I strongly believe in the inclined leg press, helps the kick and is at the exact angle as the start. I also do power jumps in the pool like Allen Stark recommends, great fun.
Again you should go to the only web site dedicated to breaststroke,
I have articles on weight training and breaststroke workouts. You can't be a breaststroker by doing freestyle workouts!!!
I do slightly more freestyle than *** to prevent injury to the knee and groin. But you are right *** should be a good part of the yardage most of the time. I also still usually do about 300 to 500 of both fly and back. I believe in more IM workouts than single stroke workouts.