
So just wondered, have any of you trained with someone you seriously thought was doping? I train with someone who about 3-4 weeks ago, was of similar speed to myself, if not a bit slower on some things. This person is training for what I think is called an Ultraman - and they put in serious distance in all three disciplines every week. So, this person is already quite buff, not an ounce of fat on him/her, and I could tell s/he was just dragging, from all the excessive training s/he's been doing, when suddenly out of no where s/he's like 10 seconds faster in 100 repeats. S/he is super motivated, I'll grant him/her that, but in my experience that kind of improvement doesn't happen overnight like it has here. Not only that but s/he is now able to go like 7000, and maintain his/her tempo/speed/energy level to the end, when s/he was going only about 2500 in an average workout before. Thoughts?
  • Yeah. If s/he is doping, s/he is an idiot! :shakeshead: The health negatives (including death) far outweigh whatever positive could come out of it. Besides, if I were him/her, I would want the satisfaction of knowing I improved (or won) solely because of the hard work I put in, not the drugs I shot up or threw down my throat.
  • Agreed, but is there a way I could be fairly certain (just for my own sanity) w/out asking them? Could be I'm just jealous. (Who me?)
  • Maybe they've just backed of the biking/running training?
  • I think someone doing mega training such as required to do a Ultraman could speed up significantly while or after tapering. As far as increasing the workout by 4.5K plus increasing speed, I don't know. If they backed off the running and biking a ton and are using the last few weeks before the event to sharpen up their swimming, maybe. However if they tapered their run/swim I'd think they'd want to taper their swim, not increase distance. Hmmmm, strange.
  • Agreed, but is there a way I could be fairly certain (just for my own sanity) w/out asking them? Could be I'm just jealous. (Who me?) Is this person somebody you usually talk with and are on friendly terms with at the pool? If so, perhaps you can say something like, "Wow, Jack/Jill, I am impressed with your speed improvements. Congratulations! What's your secret? Are there any diet or training recommendations you can make that can help me swim faster? If so, I would really appreciate some advice!" Hey, if you do decide to go that route, DO TELL! You now have (and others reading this thread) curious! :bouncing:
  • The Ultraman is in February, and no, no backing off. In fact increasing distance in all disciplines.
  • It certainly sounds suspicious. I am certain there are some Masters Swimmers using PEDs. Some are probably using them for a competitive advantage,but I bet many are using them to feel younger.There are all those ads for testosterone for "low T" with the idea of feeling younger and more virile.I know that when the "shiny suits" were legal, swimming artificially faster times in them made me feel younger. Feeling younger now,even if it means dying earlier later, is very seductive.
  • What is this person's age and what are the 100 repeat times are you talking about?
  • Age 41. was keeping 100 free ~ 1:18 on 1:30's, w/pull equip, could only do 3-4 w/out a rest now holding well under 1:10 on 1:20's & able to maintain for 4-6000 LCM, no toys
  • Age 41. was keeping 100 free ~ 1:18 on 1:30's, w/pull equip, could only do 3-4 w/out a rest now holding well under 1:10 on 1:20's & able to maintain for 4-6000 LCM, no toys Yikes! This sounds sketchy. Most people are tons slower without their toys.