
So just wondered, have any of you trained with someone you seriously thought was doping? I train with someone who about 3-4 weeks ago, was of similar speed to myself, if not a bit slower on some things. This person is training for what I think is called an Ultraman - and they put in serious distance in all three disciplines every week. So, this person is already quite buff, not an ounce of fat on him/her, and I could tell s/he was just dragging, from all the excessive training s/he's been doing, when suddenly out of no where s/he's like 10 seconds faster in 100 repeats. S/he is super motivated, I'll grant him/her that, but in my experience that kind of improvement doesn't happen overnight like it has here. Not only that but s/he is now able to go like 7000, and maintain his/her tempo/speed/energy level to the end, when s/he was going only about 2500 in an average workout before. Thoughts?
  • Could they have worn a different suit? Like a dragsuit before vs a wetsuit after. Does this person strictly compete in tri events? Any knowledge on they're former swimming experience?
  • Just ask what do you have to lose? they might not tell the truth but, you will have a better read on them.
  • Age 41. was keeping 100 free ~ 1:18 on 1:30's, w/pull equip, could only do 3-4 w/out a rest now holding well under 1:10 on 1:20's & able to maintain for 4-6000 LCM, no toys Something fishy is going on. Many triathletes don't swim regularly unless they're building towards a big event, and can improve a fair bit with a swim block. But there are limits. I'd accept the faster paced intervals OR holding the same pace for much longer OR holding the same pace without toys. Achieving all 3 simultaneously in a short period of time, no way. 1:10 for 4000LCM+ is nuts (and my reference points include Ultraman Canada swim record holder Craig Percival)
  • Just ask what do you have to lose? they might not tell the truth but, you will have a better read on them. Yeah, I'm with Orca on this. Although I suggested a diplomatic approach in my previous post (#6), I would love to be a fly on the wall (or a fish in the pool) and see the look on his/her face if a more blunt approach was taken. :eek:
  • Jokingly asked her if she had any 'roids I could use this am, lol. She offered me some Aleeve. S/he WAS a swimmer back in the day, but has been swimming consistently 3-4 x week for the past several years I've known him/her. S/he says the fastest s/he ever got was Sr Champs. Doesn't matter, I guess, just makes me want to go faster, faster!
  • Jokingly asked her if she had any 'roids I could use this am, lol. She offered me some Aleeve. S/he WAS a swimmer back in the day, but has been swimming consistently 3-4 x week for the past several years I've known him/her. S/he says the fastest s/he ever got was Sr Champs. Doesn't matter, I guess, just makes me want to go faster, faster! Well, we now know SHE is a 41 year old swimmer. :D
  • Well, we now know SHE is a 41 year old swimmer. :D This is getting more and more interesting. I was assuming (by the times) that this had to be a guy. Really, a 41 year old woman who only swam Sr. Champs as an age grouper is now (suddenly) holding a consistent 1:10 pace on a 1:20 interval for 4000 long course meters? Seems way too good to be true...
  • She did say it was a s/he however. The drag suit theory sounds like a possibility. Reread Celestial's last post. Sure seems like she slipped and used "she" and "her" before going back to the either/or scenario. If this is a guy, maybe the drag suit theory would work. A 41 year old woman? I don't buy it...
  • She did say it was a s/he however. Thedragsuit theory sounds like a possibility. :lmao:
  • Reread Celestial's last post. Sure seems like she slipped and used "she" and "her" before going back to the either/or scenario. If this is a guy, maybe the drag suit theory would work. A 41 year old woman? I don't buy it... I think Quicksilver was making a joke. ;) (At least I hope so after laughing so hard at it!)