
So just wondered, have any of you trained with someone you seriously thought was doping? I train with someone who about 3-4 weeks ago, was of similar speed to myself, if not a bit slower on some things. This person is training for what I think is called an Ultraman - and they put in serious distance in all three disciplines every week. So, this person is already quite buff, not an ounce of fat on him/her, and I could tell s/he was just dragging, from all the excessive training s/he's been doing, when suddenly out of no where s/he's like 10 seconds faster in 100 repeats. S/he is super motivated, I'll grant him/her that, but in my experience that kind of improvement doesn't happen overnight like it has here. Not only that but s/he is now able to go like 7000, and maintain his/her tempo/speed/energy level to the end, when s/he was going only about 2500 in an average workout before. Thoughts?
  • it was a s/he however. The drag suit theory sounds like a possibility. lol - too subtle for me, I guess... :)
  • Age 41. was keeping 100 free ~ 1:18 on 1:30's, w/pull equip, could only do 3-4 w/out a rest now holding well under 1:10 on 1:20's & able to maintain for 4-6000 LCM, no toys I believe the world record for women (40-44) 1500 is 17:49.26 which is 1:11.26 per 100 meters - ??:)
  • The recent improvements you've pointed out are definitely suspicious. The following link is a fascinating article from Outside magazine from several years ago where a reporter tries a wide range of PED's.
  • The drag suit theory sounds like a possibility. Only if the drag suit had a diving brick inside it...
  • Age 41. was keeping 100 free ~ 1:18 on 1:30's, w/pull equip, could only do 3-4 w/out a rest now holding well under 1:10 on 1:20's & able to maintain for 4-6000 LCM, no toysCould be doping, but I'd be more interested to know how fast this person was 10, 15 or 20 years ago and if their primary sport growing up was swimming. There are certainly guys I know in their 40s, former distance swimming guys from their youth who could get in shape now to do the 1:10s on 1:20 you refer to ... and, depending upon where this person's "swimming fitness" was when they were doing the 1:18s, they might be able to ramp up quickly back into "swimming shape" to be able to do the 1:10s, especially if they had a great aerobic base from their biking/running. If they are doping, too bad for them.
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 9 years ago
    Could they have worn a different suit? Like a dragsuit before vs a wetsuit after. Does this person strictly compete in tri events? Any knowledge on they're former swimming experience? Only a former swimmer could pull off a workout performance like that. Good answer. Not many 40 somethings can run and bike and then swim like Janet Evans/Grant Hackett. She did say it was a s/he however. The drag suit theory sounds like a possibility.
  • The recent improvements you've pointed out are definitely suspicious. The following link is a fascinating article from Outside magazine from several years ago where a reporter tries a wide range of PED's. A really good article. It's easy to understand the temptation of renewed youth but the side effects are scary as heck. Getting old is not bad if you accept its a natural process and there are natural ways to have a high quality of life without chemical adjustments and risks! The East German experiment is a great case of trying to play God and the athletes having to deal with the side affects.
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 9 years ago
    ...Not saying another word. Times have sure changed though.
  • Age 41. was keeping 100 free ~ 1:18 on 1:30's, w/pull equip, could only do 3-4 w/out a rest now holding well under 1:10 on 1:20's & able to maintain for 4-6000 LCM, no toys Holding 1:10 or better for 100 meters for 4-6000 @1:20 interval is a phenomenal feat for someone @41. If there is some monetary benefit for taking PEDs then the possibility is much higher (it's tragic).
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 9 years ago
    Unfortunately, there is no certain way to know whether someone is doping or not... Increase of endurance may also happen if s/he has changed her/his eating and sleeping habits, less stress at work/home, more efficient training. Just a couple of months ago I could barely finish 1 lap in SCM, being totally winded, but after changing my eating habits, with some more fitness and less smoking (1 pack per 2 days, instead of a pack a day. I am on my way to quit smoking) I can now swim without any problem almost 1,5 miles per training session. However, when I've made my research for food supplements before totally denying them, I went through tons of materials, and I've read in some articles and blogs that one way to identify whether an athlete is doping or not (can't assure you 100% that it is viable) is to monitor his behavior... As most of banned substances affect athlete's behavior, attitude and temper. They become more anxious, more aggressive and easily irritated. Those who are improving without application of banned substances enjoy their achievement more like kids. Therefore if you knew that person before and if you can determine whether such behavioral changes occurred, perhaps this could help you to make some preliminary formal conclusions. However, again there is no guarantee till you obtain solid proof on whether s/he doped or not.