Masters Swimmer on Morning Swim Show

This was too cool not to share!
  • Another swimmer to look at for inspiration is the aforementioned Hubie Kerns. In 2009 Hubie was aging up and had a very real shot at all the BR world records. He is a movie stunt driver (Hubie,if you are reading this and have a better title for yourself please correct me) and was hit by a car on the set,pretty well ruining his leg at the time.His BR kick may never recover 100%,but he is setting WRs left and right in the IMs. I hope you have a full speedy recovery. Matt, You might have met HUBIE when we were up in Oregon City for the meet in March. Allen is right. HUBIE is one of the toughest and most resilient hombres I know! As you may recall, he set a WR that day too. There is a current commercial on now for Priceline that features William Shatner jumping off a building into a pool. The guy jumping is HUBIE!!! So, yes, another inspiration!
  • King Frog introduced me to Hubie while we were waiting for their medals, and he's a nice guy, too! Speaking of nice guys, it was great meeting you today, Glenn! You, too, are an inspiration!
  • Thanks Matt. I know you are having a tough time now, but you will recover and return to the pool. It's hard to miss a Nationals that you are prepped is a real disappointment! No one knows that better than you right now. There is no one I know who has been swimming Masters for a long time that has not had to miss a big meet or Nationals because of a medical issue or some other emergency. It is a major league bummer! However, sometimes those disappointments can be a motivator. Look at the attitude that Amy Van Dyken has shown in the face of a pretty devastating injury. At some point maybe you can use your disappointment to make a beautiful recovery and a triumphant return to the pool! Hang in there!!!! Thanks for the very kind and uplifting words Glenn. Yes, I'm very disappointed right now. Put in tons of work and was ready to swim fast. Pretty sure I would have swam a personal best in every event. I was holding some really fast repeat times in my USRPT sets and was ready to see what I could do in the pool. I hope that I can recover at least to where I was before the accident. If not, that's OK too, so long as I can swim again, which I'm sure I will eventually. And yes, Amy Van Dyken's attitude sure is an inspiration in such cases, which most people have to go through at one time or another throughout their lives.
  • Great Matt. One step at a time!
  • Matt, You might have met HUBIE when we were up in Oregon City for the meet in March. Allen is right. HUBIE is one of the toughest and most resilient hombres I know! As you may recall, he set a WR that day too. There is a current commercial on now for Priceline that features William Shatner jumping off a building into a pool. The guy jumping is HUBIE!!! So, yes, another inspiration! I did see Hubie at the Oregon City meet and I saw his WR swim, but I never had the opportunity to meet him. I had interacted with you (Glenn) before on these forums, so I knew vaguely who you were and introduced myself. But I didn't know of Hubie at the time, so I wasn't watching for him. Hopefully I'll get another chance to meet him at a future meet. He sure does sound like an inspirational person! And thanks again for all of the kind words and well wishes. Every day things are getting better and better. I got in the water for the first time in 3+ weeks yesterday. I vertical kicked with a teammate for 45 minutes and then did some one-armed swimming. It was great to be back in the water. Hopefully in another month or so I'll be swimming with both arms again and working on regaining strength, range of motion and getting back to where I was before the accident!