What would help to shave 0.14s on Saturday?

Former Member
Former Member
My kid is swimming 100 yd *** and 0.14s shy of A league time. Saturday meet is the last chance. What would you recommend?
  • Not waiting for the last chance meet! All kidding aside, my kid is swimming a last chance meet next weekend. He is only 12, so I am not playing head games or doing anything different and not making a big deal. Because he is growing, He has an old fast skin that is major tight, so he may wear that. Day of meet I will not let him play all day before we go, that's all. But I wouldn't force a drop taper, I believe in feeling the water every day going into a meet.
  • Relax and have fun! Too much pressure and he/she will only swim slower.
  • How old is your kid? If they are old enough to have body hair,then your answer is in your question-shave down.
  • For 0.14, there are so many things that can make that impact: a faster start, quicker turns, better finish, shaving down, tighter suit, better underwater pullout, you name it.
  • A high unsaturated fat meal the night prior with plenty of rest
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 10 years ago
    Making sure he has a proper warmup and not doing the 100Fly right before the 100Br. I was really suprised at the events swam by my daughter's competitors at her summer state meet. Back to back events with little rest and doing 100s where they were low seeded right before sprint events (25m, this was in 8U) where they were high seeded. Almost to a swimmer, they would get a pr in the longer event to take a mid placing and not match their pr's in the sprint events to drop a place or more. As was mentioned, keep the mood light and let him know he has trained as much as he can do and that you are proud of him and his training no matter what happens.
  • A good night of rest, not too many events, a good start & a good finish. OK --- now on to you --- he is 12 !!! Are you trying to burn him out doing what you want him to do in your ego??
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 10 years ago
    Thank you all for replying. My kid is a high school sophomore. It's not me who is pushing. She really wanted to get in the A league, but it was just 0.14 sec away. She made a lot of progress this season, but unfortunately didn't make it this time. I'm pretty sure she'll make it next time.
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 10 years ago
    Thank you all for replying. My kid is a high school sophomore. It's not me who is pushing. She really wanted to get in the A league, but it was just 0.14 sec away. She made a lot of progress this season, but unfortunately didn't make it this time. I'm pretty sure she'll make it next time. For next time, focus on the process and not on the time. Using her best understanding, choose max 3 things that are most important to the overall swim, and keep these in mind during preparation (inc. warm up). Encourage her to have fun and forget about the time until it's done (or not).