USMS Rules question: Initial distance

Does anyone know the rationale behind USMS rule 103.13.1(B)(1)? Specifically, this says that in order for an initial distance split to count as an "official time" (and thus, eligible for records, top-ten, etc.), the swimmer must notify the meet referee in writing before the end of the meet. Does anyone know why we insist on this level of administrivia? This means that, technically, even as a meet director... if I notice that someone's 1000 split on their 1650 would be a new record... it's not a new record unless I remind the swimmer him/herself to write down on a piece of paper "Please make my split time count", and hand it to the referee. Before they leave the pool at the end of the meet. In USA Swimming, the paperwork isn't necessary. Your 1000 split counts, without any paperwork, as long as it's valid, you finished the event, etc., etc. But you don't need silly paperwork. So why do we insist on this paperwork in USMS? This seems like something that is doing us all a massive disservice as I'm sure many many potential records and top ten performances are being missed. If you swim a 1650, and your initial 1000 was a certain time... then your initial 1000 was that time, regardless of any paperwork you submit by the end of the meet. (This is separate from setting up an expectation that these splits will be automatically submitted. That's a separate issue. My only issue is that if the swimmer does not write something down on a post-it note, that the window of opportunity closes, and there is no way to un-close the window the way the rulebook is written.) I suppose the solution is to amend the disclaimer/waiver language for our meet entries to include a sentence "I HEREBY REQUEST TO THE REFEREE THAT EVERY INITIAL DISTANCE OF EVERY EVENT THAT I SWIM BE CONSIDERED AS AN OFFICIAL TIME.", and then that part of the rule is satisfied. If the USMS Rules Committee insists, I can photocopy all of our entry forms, and hand them to the Referee before the end of the meet. -Rick
  • I would be tempted to write such a request on myself with a Sharpie and then present myself to the referee as paperwork after each race. You know, just trying to be environmentally conscious, save some paper, etc. :D I have never requested an official split for anything
  • That would work for everything but Backstroke.
  • That would work for everything but Backstroke. That's already covered by the next line, rule 103.13.1(B)(2), which says that you must request to the the referee (written) before the swim in the case of relay lead-off, or for backstroke initial distance. It still makes 103.13.1(B)(1), which is the written request to the referee by the end of the meet for anything else. -Rick
  • administrivia. I like this word and will use it, with your permission of course. Please go ahead. I certainly did not invent the word. -Rick
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 14 years ago
    administrivia. I like this word and will use it, with your permission of course.
  • I've always wondered what you put for a seed time when doing a split request. Do you put a very fast seed time since you will go out fast or do you put what you plan on finishing in?
  • Even with automatic timing systems, the swimmers don't always get a clean touch so backup timing would need to be available if they want an official time on an initial distance split. Again, rule 103.13.1(B)(1) has nothing to do with backup timing, or any requirements for the timing accuracy. If you notify the referee after you swam, which rule 103.13.1(B)(1) requires, you still have no opportunity to affect what happens with backup timing. -Rick
  • Even with automatic timing systems, the swimmers don't always get a clean touch so backup timing would need to be available if they want an official time on an initial distance split. Please see quote below from p. 125 of the USMS rulebook. It points out backup timing is not permitted for initial distance requests for USMS records. So your comment is still valid for other official times (like Top Ten), but I just want to clarify you can't use backup times for USMS records for initial split distances. I don't know the rationale and maybe somebody can propose a change (if 3 watches are good enough for a regular event, why not for a lead-off or split?). Anyway, here is the quote: "...provided fully automatic timing is used. The swimmer’s relay leadoff split time shall not count if the second swimmer starts in the water. The request to have a split time recorded must be brought to the attention of the meet referee, in writing, prior to the swim. Leadoff splits obtained from semi-automatic or manual times are acceptable for FINA records, but not USMS records". BTW, who would have expected this to be such a hot topic?!
  • I've always wondered what you put for a seed time when doing a split request. Do you put a very fast seed time since you will go out fast or do you put what you plan on finishing in? Geek, Geek, Geek- A split request is a little piece of administrivia (is that the right word?), that you fill out that has your name, heat/lane, team, etc and give to the referee at the meet. All your asking for is that your swim (split) count for Top Ten times in your LMSC or National TT rankings. The referee writes down the time (I believe) and then your split swim is recorded as an individual swim. I am a fan of split requests b/c I can't always swim all the events I'd like to, especially backstroke, so I ask for my relay split times to count. Also, when I swim the 1650 I want a 500 and a 1000 split :agree:
  • That didn't answer my question.