Not a Fan of Short Course Meters Season

I'm not a big fan of short course meters meets. Maybe its my American bias, but I prefer the USA Swimming season format with two fairly distinct seasons - SCY (Fall thru Spring) and LCM (Spring/Summer). With limited meets to participate in (especially in the Northeast), I would prefer that the options were not even more diluted by short course meters meets. I would think that many Masters swimmers in the US (who mostly grew up in 25 yard pools) would agree. Just wondering what everybody else thinks.
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 15 years ago
    Thanks Brian, I went to and didn't find what I was looking for. I guess I'll keep googling stuff till it shows up somewhere.
  • Since one of our pools is SCM, I love swimming it. We always have a leg up.
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 15 years ago
    I guess I wouldn't mind it if I had a pool to practice SCM in... it's a mental thing when you switch courses and you didn't train in the appropriate pool.
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 15 years ago
    Changing short course distances is more than mental. Well, at least for me. I perform the way I practice. When changing distances I misjudge turns, splits, and energy expenditure. I have a good 87 yard fly in me. Short course meters just brings out my failings to a greater extent. I still like the distance changes. I crack myself up when my body is expecting the wall of relief, yet it is so far far away.
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 15 years ago
    Not to change the subject but, do any of you know the results for the 2008 TYR Masters Grand Prix?
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 15 years ago
    It will be a great day when all SCY pools are dug up and replaced with SCM. It would even be a better day if all the SCY & SCM pools were dug up and replaced with a LMC pool that can easily be configured to SCY or SCM.
  • I have to say after swimming in a SCM meet this weekend... I am a fan. I am not a great SCY swimmer (bad starts / bad turns) and am mostly a distance person... so I will take the longer pool any time. More swimming vs turns any day.
  • Sorry you're not a fan, but please don't ruin it for the rest of us! How exactly would I be ruining it for the rest of you? I am only soliciting opinions for discussion purposes and to get an idea of what the Masters community feels about the SCM Season. It has nothing to do with actually swimming the distance. It's the lack of meets and general apathy in the US towards the standard that turns me off about the season.
  • It's the lack of meets and general apathy in the US towards the standard that turns me off about the season. Has it occurred to you that the season length and/or apathy may be due to the fact that the US is SCY oriented due to the predominance of SCY pools so facilities that _could_ host SCM are busy hosting SCY?
  • How exactly would I be ruining it for the rest of you? I am only soliciting opinions for discussion purposes and to get an idea of what the Masters community feels about the SCM Season. It has nothing to do with actually swimming the distance. It's the lack of meets and general apathy in the US towards the standard that turns me off about the season. Brad, What apathy? Pacific's not apathetic towards SCM. We have almost as many SCM meets as SCY which are both more than LCM. LCM seems to be our season of "not enuf". I think we had over 400 at our SCM Champs two weeks ago.