Dara Torres-Amazing

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Dara just one the national title in the 100M Freestyle in 54.4 at the ripe old age of 40. Simply Incredible. :applaud: :woot: If that's not inspiring I don't know what is.
  • Should we really compare Dara to Angel Martino? Correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't Martino test positive for testosterone and was kicked off the 1988 Olympic team? If I remember correctly, she blamed it on her birth-control pills. Cripe! To pull a blue muppet, DISCLAIMER: I am by no means an authority on this subject, and I know a lot of women use these for regulatory purposes too, but were I to be a female with a shot at the olympics, any pre-games :banana: hubba:kiss1: hubba:banana: would be out the window. I'd want no chance at taking that risk. No forbidden dance & no pills, or no olympics. I'd take the former. That's just me. (i'll probably be sorry for barging in on this feminine topic later)
  • I don't know what it is about super athletes, it could just be their stupidity gets amplified more than the everyday Joe's. Most have lived quite the coddled life since about age 12 and maybe they think they are above it all, since they generally have been. When you've skated through life on sheer physical prowess, maybe things just don't register, like, say, buying a house for dog fighting when you make $20m+ to play football. I have a friend who lives this life but even he calls it "fantasy land" and is one of the few who realize that life isn't so easy when you make less than zillions playing games.
  • I can't believe anyone thinks she *isn't* on drugs to be honest. And yet I find the optimism charming. Call me an optimist then, I think she is an amazingly talented individual and I do not think she is "doping".
  • Bonds is a lot like Rasmussen, there is very strong circumstantial evidence to say that he is doping, but there is nothing solid. I don't think that Ande is doping, and I'm not aware of any circumstantial evidence to that effect. He may be using some sort of Broca-enhancing brain stimulating chemical for his wordsmithing, but I don't think he's using any athletic performance enhancing agents. ANDE RASMUSSEN IS NOT A DOPER!!:joker: Oh, wait - cycling...that other Rasmussen...never mind:doh:
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 17 years ago
    Rob, That's true, a substance is either legal or illegal.... no gray area. John Smith Not necessarily. There is the legal term of "Not Illegal". Not being illegal does not mean its legal. They just can't test or agree on amounts that become illegal.:coffee: It seems the whole issue here is the "gray area".
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 17 years ago
    Should we really compare Dara to Angel Martino? Correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't Martino test positive for testosterone and was kicked off the 1988 Olympic team? If I remember correctly, she blamed it on her birth-control pills.
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 17 years ago
    One must admit that when an athlete opens themselves up to random and frequent screening the option of cycling on and off is not really available to them anymore. So really, the only option that seems to exist is that she is using something that is not detectable..possibly due to the fact that it is unknown as you have suggested previously. Have to disagree with this Matt. We're not talking about old fashioned anabolics steroids anymore. Drugs that flush from the body in a matter of days or weeks still offer positive residual effects. The option is still there between testing and major events to cheat.
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 17 years ago
    If the testing is random, how do you know when to take them in order to be clean for testing? Even if they flush within a few days, if you take them today and get tested at home tomorrow...you're toast. No?
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 17 years ago
    Dan, You assume a lot of rational thought in the mind of a cheater. It's not all about weighing the risk for them, its about the winning, the ego, the acceptance, the public recognition......etc...... Is her freestyle stroke great...... hell yes. I could probably point out a few flaws in the race, but they are easily overcome by her upper body strength in her stroke. The issue was never whether she was or is talented. The issue on this thread is........... "the edge". I don't know..... sometimes I wonder what is to be gained by making 5 Olympic teams vs. 4 Olympic teams ? John Smith If I assume rational thought aren't you assuming the opposite? I tend to think that a cheater who openly invites more frequent testing than required has rationally assessed the risk. Those who believe Lance cheated think he did it with the help of the mysterious Dr. Ferrari - confident enough to withstand multiple out of competition tests and a required test for every stage win? Lance is perhaps one of the most driven and competitive athletes of modern times but his method of training and preparation was surely VERY rational. I don't think there is any evidence that Dara is irrational. All signs are that she sets goals and works hard to achieve them. Her training today (less is more?) has been modified to create explosive speed, take advantage of her stroke and size, and minimize the risk of injury (e.g. overuse). As for 5 Olympics vs. 4 - I would never question nor care why that is important to Dara as long as she is competing fairly.
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 17 years ago
    I hate to say but this thread about an innocent person should be written in the joke thread. Non Swimming-Related Discussions.