USRPT vindicated?

Michael Andrews made the Olympic team using USRPT (although a coach says he heard that wasn't exclusive anymore)

Also, is this the first thread started about Trials?

  • Good point. I did almost all USRPT training when I was 12 to 14 years old. I was on novice teams similar to summer league teams but more year round. I mean almost since there was some slow kicking on a board, but I think I didn't do more than 2,800 yards between the ages of 12 to 14 and by age 16 when i train more yardage I only improved 4 seconds in the 100 yard fly and 5 seconds in the 100 yard breaststroke. More yardage at slow paces didn't make me that faster.

  • Michael Andrew only problem is in the last 50 of the 200 Im not certain is because he goes out too fast or USRPT is not as good for 200's..

  • Wave one had the 13 old kid from Brea. The first swimmer that has a crack at being a national level elite swimmer from that area since Janet Evans from Placentia. Kayla Han.

  • I think Sierra doesn't think that her dancing turns some people off. When your a front of a crowd and TV crowd you can't do your own thing as much since it turnoffs people. Sierra probably did the dancing  at other meets where you don't have an audience and no one cared.

  • I was a mediocre freestyler but wanted to swim 500 yard free in high school meets my last year of high school. Interesting enough it helped my 100 yard fly.

  • His time at the Trials would have won a silver medal in the last olympics. He’s just a really good short axis swimmer which sets him up real good early on in the race. His breaststroke is a huge advantage for him.

  • It is hard to argue that he is not a good freestyler since he qualified in the 50 free.

    Yes it sounds weird to say this about such a great swim but I can’t help but think it is an issue of sub-optimal pacing. Whether that is an issue of USRPT or not I couldn’t say.

  • Phelps had some interesting and insightful commentary. As I recall he was not convinced that MA would be faster overall in the 2IM is he backed off on the front half because his training is so focused on very fast paced swimming. He thought that the best strategy for MA was to continue with his current strategy because that's the way he swims the race and that's what has worked for him. 

    It does seem kinda hard to argue with a 1:55. You can count on one hand the number of people who have ever been that fast,

  • We’ll find out soon enough!

  • And "dancing " bothers someone?  Get a grip! We all need a way to let the stress out. You go girl!