2020 Top Ten, All-American, All-Star etc.

Not to sound insensitive to the morbidly obese diabetics (and others) on ventilators fighting for their lives in various ICUs across the country (I put two there last night), but as we are at least 3 months into this pandemic, is there a decision or going to be a decision soon on whether there will be top tens, All-Americans, All-Stars this year? I did not mean to publicly debate the issue (fairness, blah, blah, blah) but just wondering as I have made and cancelled 5 separate flights to various obscure locations this year in search of my pathetic dreams of geriatric swim glory. I would have left this to an email but have no idea who it would be directed to. Give up until 2021:bed: or keep hope alive:)?
  • Just some observations from looking at the submission guidelines, that the only "season" that has been cut almost entirely short is the SCM one, which runs January 1-December 31. SCY ran from June 1, 2019 until May 31, 2020. Yeah most of us lost our "taper" meet in March/April/May, but it's not like we (in general) didn't have the chances to record swims. We lost 25% of the season. The most important part to some, but still only three months of results. LCM seems trickier since it runs from October 1, 2019 until September 30, 2020. We lost or are losing about 50% of the season, BUT it falls during the only period that MOST people can even compete in LCM. Opinion: SCY should definitely stand as is. LCM should probably be a pass (I mean honestly how many people will have competed in a LCM meet before April 1, 2020?) SCM should be a wait and see with a lean towards passing DISCLAIMER: I am not someone arguing this so I can sneak into All-American status by way of lack of results submissions. I am 4th in the 200 FR and 100 BR for SCY, and that's all I have to show. Anyways, I too am interested to see what is done. Also Kurt, always keep the faith. Hope is a good thing. Maybe even the best of things... ~ Andy Dufresne
  • Wondering the same thing. For SCY I guess I'd vote to have a real TT and AA. In my events Doug Springer and Peder Dahlberg put up some really good times. I had hoped to shot for those times at San Antonio, but we will never know how well I would have done. I'd hate to have people like them miss out on recognition of their swims though. LCM is different. Practically everyone who swims LCM swims in meets from June to September. I'd vote that it is too watered down to count. SCM is still up in the air, meets in Nov-Dec are doubtful, but I'm still hopeful. I have had at least one TT time every year since 1979 and would like to continue the streak, but it is beyond my control.
  • I asked in the top ten forum and the answer was, the results for S C Y will be posted as of June 1st or so. If baseball and soccer sports will have M V P for their shortened seasons, I FEEL THAT WE WILL AS WELL. HOPING MY EARLY MEETS IN JAN-FEB. WOULD MAKE SOME IMPACT.
  • I asked in the top ten forum and the answer was, the results for S C Y will be posted as of June 1st or so. If baseball and soccer sports will have M V P for their shortened seasons, I FEEL THAT WE WILL AS WELL. HOPING MY EARLY MEETS IN JAN-FEB. WOULD MAKE SOME IMPACT. No, the deadline for Top 10 recorders to submit SCY results just passed (June 30). Mary Beth compiles them for awhile (a couple weeks maybe?) and then posts the preliminary results to allow people to comment on any possible mistakes. The final list will be in early August, maybe late July. The publication schedule for each season is here: www.usms.org/.../pubschedule.php Every course has a 12-month duration even though obviously there are certain seasons when one course dominates (eg LCM in the summer). The LCM season is the most affected so far I would imagine, in terms of the number of sanctioned events that were cancelled. But IMO if there were any sanctioned meets in a course there should be a Top 10 for that course. Kudos to those who managed to get in a swim.
  • I agree, Chris. Also, It will prompt people to go to more meets in the future. You never can tell when the next disaster will occur so get you times in as soon as you can.
  • Drat!! I knew I should have swum a 200 fly early in the season! I think I out thought myself in saving that for a better time in April! OH WELL ---- there is next year.
  • The preliminary TT listings are up.
  • The preliminary TT listings are up. Yup. I guess it's business as usual. I note there are about 3 posted times in LCM events from meets in Australia months ago. I'm shooting for a LCM event in Ghana to get my first and only breaststroke top ten! Probably no long distance All Stars this year as it appears that (finally) all open water swims have been cancelled (requirements include at least one open water and one postal event making everyone ineligible)...unless the wizard would like to come from behind the curtain (or announce from his/her regular position) and clarify for inquiring minds.
  • I'm shooting for a LCM event in Ghana to get my first and only breaststroke top ten! IDK about Ghana, but swimming and surfing are pretty popular sports in Senegal. Dakar has a lovely 50m municipal pool, which is heavily used by the public and hosts regional competitions but is closed right now because of the pandemic. The Senegalese National Swimming Federation holds an annual OW racing series too, culminating in late September in the Traversee Dakar-Goree. I presume they won't hold those events this year either.