2020 Top Ten, All-American, All-Star etc.

Not to sound insensitive to the morbidly obese diabetics (and others) on ventilators fighting for their lives in various ICUs across the country (I put two there last night), but as we are at least 3 months into this pandemic, is there a decision or going to be a decision soon on whether there will be top tens, All-Americans, All-Stars this year? I did not mean to publicly debate the issue (fairness, blah, blah, blah) but just wondering as I have made and cancelled 5 separate flights to various obscure locations this year in search of my pathetic dreams of geriatric swim glory. I would have left this to an email but have no idea who it would be directed to. Give up until 2021:bed: or keep hope alive:)?
  • Just some observations from looking at the submission guidelines, that the only "season" that has been cut almost entirely short is the SCM one, which runs January 1-December 31. SCY ran from June 1, 2019 until May 31, 2020. Yeah most of us lost our "taper" meet in March/April/May, but it's not like we (in general) didn't have the chances to record swims. We lost 25% of the season. The most important part to some, but still only three months of results. LCM seems trickier since it runs from October 1, 2019 until September 30, 2020. We lost or are losing about 50% of the season, BUT it falls during the only period that MOST people can even compete in LCM. Opinion: SCY should definitely stand as is. LCM should probably be a pass (I mean honestly how many people will have competed in a LCM meet before April 1, 2020?) SCM should be a wait and see with a lean towards passing DISCLAIMER: I am not someone arguing this so I can sneak into All-American status by way of lack of results submissions. I am 4th in the 200 FR and 100 BR for SCY, and that's all I have to show. Anyways, I too am interested to see what is done. Also Kurt, always keep the faith. Hope is a good thing. Maybe even the best of things... ~ Andy Dufresne
  • Just some observations from looking at the submission guidelines, that the only "season" that has been cut almost entirely short is the SCM one, which runs January 1-December 31. SCY ran from June 1, 2019 until May 31, 2020. Yeah most of us lost our "taper" meet in March/April/May, but it's not like we (in general) didn't have the chances to record swims. We lost 25% of the season. The most important part to some, but still only three months of results. LCM seems trickier since it runs from October 1, 2019 until September 30, 2020. We lost or are losing about 50% of the season, BUT it falls during the only period that MOST people can even compete in LCM. Opinion: SCY should definitely stand as is. LCM should probably be a pass (I mean honestly how many people will have competed in a LCM meet before April 1, 2020?) SCM should be a wait and see with a lean towards passing DISCLAIMER: I am not someone arguing this so I can sneak into All-American status by way of lack of results submissions. I am 4th in the 200 FR and 100 BR for SCY, and that's all I have to show. Anyways, I too am interested to see what is done. Also Kurt, always keep the faith. Hope is a good thing. Maybe even the best of things... ~ Andy Dufresne
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