DQ overturned

Former Member
Former Member
  • The hypocrisy of this is infuriating to me. Although I cannot condone distributing an unflattering pic of a child without permission, if a picture of the kid is "pornography," then don't the officials have a serious legal mandate to discourage it from being seen at a high school meet? Yeah, that struck me as pretty odd, too.
  • Who cares? Should a guy get DQed if you can see his butt crack?Or completely falls off after the start? No different than a DQ from a cap that falls off. This has attention just because of a unavoidable partial view of a butt. These Alaskans should go on vacation in Hawaii from time to time
  • In the 1980s the anchor swimmer at NCAAs in a mens relay lost his suit on the dive(this was when all guys wore briefs, I believe it was a University of Texas swimmer.) He finished the race and his relay won and was not DQd. They asked him what he was thinking when this happened and he said"I was glad I wasn't swimming backstroke.''
  • In the 1980s the anchor swimmer at NCAAs in a mens relay lost his suit on the dive(this was when all guys wore briefs, I believe it was a University of Texas swimmer.) 'I can't comment about a UT guy doing this at NCAAs, but I do remember one of our Longhorn guys losing his suit at a dual meet in California in the late 80s ... pretty sure it was Berkeley... and no DQ.
  • Should a guy get DQed if you can see his butt crack?: That depends, is he a plumber by day?
  • During the h.s. swim season, there are pictures daily of h.s. swimmers in the local newspapers...many of those photos are unflattering...so wouldn't that be distribution of child pornography like the article claims? Dan
  • Gymnastics uses a spray tacky glue on the behinds to keep "weggies" from happening. I don't see that happening in swimming!
  • A photo of someone's butt isn't pornography. This whole story is ridiculous. Some girls' suits ride up, others' don't. Who cares? Should a guy get DQed if you can see his butt crack? Totally agree with the Anchorage School District's position: the Anchorage School District has concluded that our swimmer was targeted based solely on how a standard, school-issued uniform happened to fit the shape of her body. We cannot tolerate discrimination of any kind, and certainly not based on body shape. This disqualification was heavy-handed and unnecessary
  • When I coached H S swimming. The school ordered girls suits without any linning in the front of the top portion of the suit that was a yellow color. When wet this portion became almost transparent! We had the mom's sew in a darker blue in the top of the suit. It only took warm ups for most of us involved to be a bit embarrassed.
  • A kid on my age group team around 2001 or 2002 forgot to tie his jammers and they ended up around his knees off the start. He treaded water for a bit while pulling them up and tying them, then continued his race. No DQ that I can remember. Heck, before I switched to wearing jammers at meets in 2003, I had a drawer full of old meet speedos; one meet, I'd grabbed the wrong speedo and was informed after my first race that while I was bending over on the start, the center couple of inches of the back of the suit was completely see-through, leading to me mooning everyone behind me. No DQ on that race, but I think it was only see-through when it was stretched on the start.