DQ overturned

Former Member
Former Member
  • A kid on my age group team around 2001 or 2002 forgot to tie his jammers and they ended up around his knees off the start. He treaded water for a bit while pulling them up and tying them, then continued his race. No DQ that I can remember. Heck, before I switched to wearing jammers at meets in 2003, I had a drawer full of old meet speedos; one meet, I'd grabbed the wrong speedo and was informed after my first race that while I was bending over on the start, the center couple of inches of the back of the suit was completely see-through, leading to me mooning everyone behind me. No DQ on that race, but I think it was only see-through when it was stretched on the start.
  • A kid on my age group team around 2001 or 2002 forgot to tie his jammers and they ended up around his knees off the start. He treaded water for a bit while pulling them up and tying them, then continued his race. No DQ that I can remember. Heck, before I switched to wearing jammers at meets in 2003, I had a drawer full of old meet speedos; one meet, I'd grabbed the wrong speedo and was informed after my first race that while I was bending over on the start, the center couple of inches of the back of the suit was completely see-through, leading to me mooning everyone behind me. No DQ on that race, but I think it was only see-through when it was stretched on the start.
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