DQ overturned

Former Member
Former Member
  • In the 1980s the anchor swimmer at NCAAs in a mens relay lost his suit on the dive(this was when all guys wore briefs, I believe it was a University of Texas swimmer.) 'I can't comment about a UT guy doing this at NCAAs, but I do remember one of our Longhorn guys losing his suit at a dual meet in California in the late 80s ... pretty sure it was Berkeley... and no DQ.
  • In the 1980s the anchor swimmer at NCAAs in a mens relay lost his suit on the dive(this was when all guys wore briefs, I believe it was a University of Texas swimmer.) 'I can't comment about a UT guy doing this at NCAAs, but I do remember one of our Longhorn guys losing his suit at a dual meet in California in the late 80s ... pretty sure it was Berkeley... and no DQ.
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