DQ overturned

Former Member
Former Member
  • A photo of someone's butt isn't pornography. This whole story is ridiculous. Some girls' suits ride up, others' don't. Who cares? Should a guy get DQed if you can see his butt crack? Totally agree with the Anchorage School District's position: the Anchorage School District has concluded that our swimmer was targeted based solely on how a standard, school-issued uniform happened to fit the shape of her body. We cannot tolerate discrimination of any kind, and certainly not based on body shape. This disqualification was heavy-handed and unnecessary
  • A photo of someone's butt isn't pornography. This whole story is ridiculous. Some girls' suits ride up, others' don't. Who cares? Should a guy get DQed if you can see his butt crack? Totally agree with the Anchorage School District's position: the Anchorage School District has concluded that our swimmer was targeted based solely on how a standard, school-issued uniform happened to fit the shape of her body. We cannot tolerate discrimination of any kind, and certainly not based on body shape. This disqualification was heavy-handed and unnecessary
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