Suit style trends

Ok everyone, another quick observation/question. In my long and distinguished career in the pool (big time sarcasm for Elaine), I have noticed trends on the suits of choice. Females tend to be pretty consistent with their choices, either the traditional one piece, an occasional workout bikini, or even the performance full body length. Males on the other hand seem to be jammers, and then there's me still wearing the old school briefs style. I am almost always the only one at any pool I go to. Now it doesn't make me feel awkward or anything, but it's just something I have noticed, both in my solo time and my time with the team. Thoughts?
  • Ok everyone, another quick observation/question. In my long and distinguished career in the pool (big time sarcasm for Elaine), I have noticed trends on the suits of choice. Females tend to be pretty consistent with their choices, either the traditional one piece, an occasional workout bikini, or even the performance full body length. Males on the other hand seem to be jammers, and then there's me still wearing the old school briefs style. I am almost always the only one at any pool I go to. Now it doesn't make me feel awkward or anything, but it's just something I have noticed, both in my solo time and my time with the team. Thoughts? :D I have made the same observations as JP and Kirk. You didn't ask for advice, but I'm gonna give it to ya anyway. ;) Wear what makes YOU feel comfortable, regardless of style trends. :2cents:
  • Yeah, seems like most of the kids in the club team group that practices next to the masters group are in jammers. The masters guys that are mostly there for fitness are in jammers too. The college "swammers" are in either briefs or drag suit, depending on what era they swam competitively. I go briefs, drag suits were starting to go out of style by the end of my college career. One guy wears military-style "silkies" even.
  • My observation is that young boys tend to start out wearing jammers, but these quit being "cool" in high school, so they migrate to briefs. After college men usually decide they might want a little more coverage and start wearing square cut suits. I feel like older guys who swam throughout high school and college are much more likely to NOT wear jammers for training than those with a shorter history in the sport.
  • Men's briefs are so presently so rare at my YMCA that if one wears them he should expect to be noticed. There is one extremely fit guy who spends so much time on the pool deck choosing the perfect kickboard and pull buoy that I sometimes wonder if he is trying to be noticed. (I did - lol) None of the the age groupers nor high school boys wear them. A guy would have to buy them online - they aren't even sold locally. My husband wears jammers to fit in but he likes briefs better. So guys is this the swimming version of the trend with men's basketball shorts getting longer and longer or is there some actual advantage? As a female I like my swimsuits better than my tri-suit which is sort of the female version of jammers
  • Men's briefs are so presently so rare at my YMCA that if one wears them he should expect to be noticed. There is one extremely fit guy who spends so much time on the pool deck choosing the perfect kickboard and pull buoy that I sometimes wonder if he is trying to be noticed. (I did - lol) None of the the age groupers nor high school boys wear them. A guy would have to buy them online - they aren't even sold locally. My husband wears jammers to fit in but he likes briefs better. So guys is this the swimming version of the trend with men's basketball shorts getting longer and longer or is there some actual advantage? As a female I like my swimsuits better than my tri-suit which is sort of the female version of jammers I would say I see 50 per cent wearing briefs and 50 per cent wearing jammers at my pool. Myself I don't like to train in jammers, but will wear them at meets for short events.
  • Men's briefs are so presently so rare at my YMCA that if one wears them he should expect to be noticed. There is one extremely fit guy who spends so much time on the pool deck choosing the perfect kickboard and pull buoy that I sometimes wonder if he is trying to be noticed. (I did - lol) None of the the age groupers nor high school boys wear them. A guy would have to buy them online - they aren't even sold locally. My husband wears jammers to fit in but he likes briefs better. So guys is this the swimming version of the trend with men's basketball shorts getting longer and longer or is there some actual advantage? As a female I like my swimsuits better than my tri-suit which is sort of the female version of jammers I did try a jammer style one time and I simply felt I could not move my legs as freely as I would like. Not to mention having more material also made me feel more weighed down overall. I haven't worn them since. I would say it's definitely a trend a la basketball shorts, and guys like me who wear old school seem to stand out more and more. I caught two high school girls on a local team staring at me when I was getting out a few weeks ago. Although unlike some, I am not trying to be noticed. lol
  • Jammers for racing. Briefs to swim in (train in pool, warm-up/down at meets, recreate in the ocean, snorkel, free dive, etc.)
  • It's kind of funny that I don't think I mostly pay much attention. I am very much interested in fashion, in general, but at the pool, unless something is quite bright or somehow stands out, I really don't care what anyone wears. Maybe that's my gender - yep, I wear a typical one piece suit that feels really comfortable to swim in.
  • I always wore briefs, but all the guys at my main pool were wearing jammers so, since I race in them I thought I might as well practice in them. I'm used to them now.
  • I switched from briefs to jammers a long time ago in my 50s when I felt I was too conspicuous on the pool deck at our summer club. For whatever reason, lately, I feel like the jammers are somewhat restrictive and I'm going to try out a square cut for practice. Males at our masters practices wear jammers, briefs, and square cut suits, pretty much in equal numbers, and females are in one piece suits. The AGer guys also seem to wear both jammers and briefs and girls are in one piece suits; work out bikinis are rare, but appear sometimes in the summer.