Suit style trends

Ok everyone, another quick observation/question. In my long and distinguished career in the pool (big time sarcasm for Elaine), I have noticed trends on the suits of choice. Females tend to be pretty consistent with their choices, either the traditional one piece, an occasional workout bikini, or even the performance full body length. Males on the other hand seem to be jammers, and then there's me still wearing the old school briefs style. I am almost always the only one at any pool I go to. Now it doesn't make me feel awkward or anything, but it's just something I have noticed, both in my solo time and my time with the team. Thoughts?
  • Yeah, seems like most of the kids in the club team group that practices next to the masters group are in jammers. The masters guys that are mostly there for fitness are in jammers too. The college "swammers" are in either briefs or drag suit, depending on what era they swam competitively. I go briefs, drag suits were starting to go out of style by the end of my college career. One guy wears military-style "silkies" even.
  • Yeah, seems like most of the kids in the club team group that practices next to the masters group are in jammers. The masters guys that are mostly there for fitness are in jammers too. The college "swammers" are in either briefs or drag suit, depending on what era they swam competitively. I go briefs, drag suits were starting to go out of style by the end of my college career. One guy wears military-style "silkies" even.
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