Swimming newbie

Former Member
Former Member
Hi everyone! I'm learning how to swim and am writing about my experience. I hope you join me on my journey. here is article one: www.usms.org/.../articledisplay.php and here is article two: www.usms.org/.../articledisplay.php enjoy! Jerry
  • I'm enjoying your articles also! Sometimes friends say "I never learned to swim as a kid. I don't think I could do it now." Your articles can give them confidence! Keep on going! I also (like Vintage Dirt) learned to swim as a kid, although didn't join a masters' group until I was 54. I'm still learning new things--just learned how to flip turn at age 65! Also working on butterfly (that's been pretty hard, but I figure why not--whatever increases the fun!). Hope you keep on enjoying it!
  • Jerry! I am following your journey and I'm impressed with your courage and commitment. I have to admit that even though I learned to swim at a very young age, and even had some success as a competitive swimmer in the 70s, I still can’t do freestyle correctly. I guess it’s a good thing I was a breaststroker! LOL Anyway, hang in there. I think even Michael Phelps is still looking for ways to improve ;-) Wes
  • Hi Jerry, Congrats on your adventure! I'm enjoying the articles as well, especially since I keep trying to get my non-swimming friends to drink the chlorinated kool-aid. I think most of them won't do it because they're afraid of looking silly. These articles will be helpful to show them that no, they won't look silly, they'll look like someone learning a new lifelong skill.
  • :welcome: Hi Jerry! I'm glad to see you took my advice in the e-mail I sent you to join us on the Forums. See? I told you there would be supportive Forumites here! Hang around (and poke around the other threads), and you will soon get hooked. :agree: I'm curious... Did Karla Peterson remember me? If you show her the article I sent you, I'm guess she might! Have fun at your next swim lesson, and don't forget to practice. The more you practice the better you will get! :cheerleader: Good luck! :wiggle:
  • Great job in your sixth lesson, Jerry. You have come a long way in such a short time! Keep up the good work! :applaud:
  • Hi, Jerry: it's great to see your progress. I, too, grew up in a non-swimming family and was constantly being told not to go in the water or I'd drown. I was also in my 40s when I took my first swim lesson and had the same fears and inner dialogue you did. I applaud you for your courage, not only in getting into the pool, but in sharing your journey with us. Big applause.:banana::chug:
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 8 years ago
    Hi everyone! I'm learning how to swim and am writing about my experience. I hope you join me on my journey. here is article one: www.usms.org/.../articledisplay.php and here is article two: www.usms.org/.../articledisplay.php enjoy! Jerry Thanks for sharing! Inspirational reading.