2015 One Hour (e)Postal Swim

It's that time again. Who's planning to do it? Who's done it? If you did, how far did you swim? www.clubassistant.com/.../meet_information.cfm
  • Our workout group has two members that do the OHS every year, but I am putting it on the schedule for the whole team this year. I will probably swim it in a couple of weeks. It is a fun challenge!
  • Fun? I think not. Postals in az suck as all the pools are always too hot. Today's miserable attempt was done in 84 degree water. I think I about got heatstroke (yes, in January). Good luck all. Brundage...can I sneak in the back gate and use your icebox next year?:) Oh, I hadn't considered how hot the pool in AZ would get, even in January. That sounds miserable!!! Nothing worse than trying to do a distance event in hot water. My club (Santa Clarita Masters) is doing ours tomorrow. I'll be happy if I match last year's results, as I felt really tired in workout today. We did the 100x100 last Saturday, and I've done about 20,000 yds since then. This is going to be ugly (but it's fun, right?) Wow! That's a ton of yardage Jonathan! Good luck tomorrow. Hopefully you still have some energy left in your tank to match last year's effort.
  • The water temp in my pool was 47 a couple of days ago. Maybe I need to create an 'ice breaker' meet and invite tough guys like you, Barra, Kent Nicholas, etc. for a cold water event. 47???? Please tell me you didn't jump in!
  • My club (Santa Clarita Masters) is doing ours tomorrow. I'll be happy if I match last year's results, as I felt really tired in workout today. We did the 100x100 last Saturday, and I've done about 20,000 yds since then. This is going to be ugly (but it's fun, right?)
  • Just finished my swim. I think I died. Seriously, despite feeling really tired, I still went 100 yds further than last year. Really happy with that! My wife also beat her previous best, so a pretty good day! Awfully tempted to break out that good bottle of Scotch I bought last night, but I'd better wait until after 5 pm.
  • Just finished my swim. I think I died. Seriously, despite feeling really tired, I still went 100 yds further than last year. Really happy with that! My wife also beat her previous best, so a pretty good day! Awfully tempted to break out that good bottle of Scotch I bought last night, but I'd better wait until after 5 pm. Awesome! Congrats! Definitely a Scotch worthy swim! I sure hope I can get closer to my total from last year. The injury really set me back, but I think my sub-par performance last weekend was more due to having a bad day. Hopefully I'll do better when I try again on the 18th. A huge congrats to you, Jonathan!
  • Missed my total distance goal by only 40 yards, but did pretty well on the pacing goal. And, more than 100 yards further than last year, so I'll call it good.
  • Missed my total distance goal by only 40 yards, but did pretty well on the pacing goal. And, more than 100 yards further than last year, so I'll call it good. I try not to put too much emphasis on distance goals for these swims. I figure if I can come close to my previous year's distance, I'm beating the aging curve! Nice job on beating last year's distance!
  • Just finished mine this morning. I got an email that they were going to run one a couple days ago while I was out of town. When I showed up, I hadn't decided whether or not I would do it and I didn't even know if they would have a timer for me. While I was helping out with the first heat, they encouraged me to go ahead and swim it. So I put on a faster suit and warmed up. I finished 40 yards off of last year just missing 4800 yards again. The first 2000 felt pretty good. Around 3000, I started dealing with the mental battle to keep going. Once I got to 4000, it wasn't quite so bad. I'm jet lagged and worn out from a stressful week. On the other hand, I've been out of the pool for 3 days and should be rested. So, I'm good with being around last year's distance.