2015 One Hour (e)Postal Swim

It's that time again. Who's planning to do it? Who's done it? If you did, how far did you swim? www.clubassistant.com/.../meet_information.cfm
  • Just finished mine this morning. I got an email that they were going to run one a couple days ago while I was out of town. When I showed up, I hadn't decided whether or not I would do it and I didn't even know if they would have a timer for me. While I was helping out with the first heat, they encouraged me to go ahead and swim it. So I put on a faster suit and warmed up. I finished 40 yards off of last year just missing 4800 yards again. The first 2000 felt pretty good. Around 3000, I started dealing with the mental battle to keep going. Once I got to 4000, it wasn't quite so bad. I'm jet lagged and worn out from a stressful week. On the other hand, I've been out of the pool for 3 days and should be rested. So, I'm good with being around last year's distance.
  • Just finished mine this morning. I got an email that they were going to run one a couple days ago while I was out of town. When I showed up, I hadn't decided whether or not I would do it and I didn't even know if they would have a timer for me. While I was helping out with the first heat, they encouraged me to go ahead and swim it. So I put on a faster suit and warmed up. I finished 40 yards off of last year just missing 4800 yards again. The first 2000 felt pretty good. Around 3000, I started dealing with the mental battle to keep going. Once I got to 4000, it wasn't quite so bad. I'm jet lagged and worn out from a stressful week. On the other hand, I've been out of the pool for 3 days and should be rested. So, I'm good with being around last year's distance.
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