Swimcations: Thoughts? Past experiences? Recommendations?

I'm doing some long-range planning to save up for a swimcation. I'm looking for a good one in the Virgin Islands. I found a website for one in the BVIs that looks amazing, but I am curious if anyone has any input. Thanks!
  • My plan includes Nationals next May (or is it April?) in San Antonio. Very close to San Antonio (I grew up in Houston) is a little city called New Braunfels - they have amazing rapids, and have what looks to be possibly the best water park in the States: The Schlitterbahn. I think we're going to go to Nat's then spend 3-4 days in New Braunfels. Family coming too, as many of us who grew up in Houston now live across the continent, and we all have fond memories of holidays in New Braunfels. There is also a swim in St.Croix every year where the benefits go to the Sea Turtles - it's in October, I think, and the cool part is that even the non-swimmer family members could participate because there are 3 distances, and fins are permitted! Also, if you're seriously into the Open Water thing, you could go to Northern Europe - they have lots and lots of open water swim in the Netherlands, Belgium and thereabouts. Have fun! And let us know what you decide on!
  • I highly recommend Gary Hall's Race Club in the Florida Keys: http://www.theraceclub.com/
  • I'm doing some long-range planning to save up for a swimcation. I'm looking for a good one in the Virgin Islands. I found a website for one in the BVIs that looks amazing, but I am curious if anyone has any input. Thanks! Couples Swept Away in Negril (Jamaica) has a 25m lap pool. There were no backstroke flags or targets on the walls, but Julie and I found it to be a great place to have a vacation while still being able to train. The pool was hardly ever used and many times we were the only swimmers in the pool. A picture of the pool is attached. Jeff
  • Wow. If DH would swim, that would be a great vacation spot.
  • I have a couple of teammates who have done SwimTrek vacations in Europe and loved them. One also did a similar trip in the Sea of Cortez. I believe David Barra is one of the swim guides for a BVI swim trip. If I were going to the BVIs I would pick a trip with him. Probably also if you sent him a PM via this forum he could give you the inside details.
  • I know a few people who have done swim tours around the Greek islands and said it was a blast.
  • So, we've decided on the BVI trip on the sailing yacht, Promenade. We've booked for spring break 2016, so it's still a ways off, but I'm super-excited. The trip is a good balance for the swimmers and non-swimmers in the group, as the sailboat has SCUBA, snorkeling, kayaks, tubing, etc. to entertain all. I can't wait! If anyone else has considered this type of vacation, check it out http://www.yachtpromenade.com/ This is the same yacht that David Barra swim guides for, but we are just booking the yacht and not specifically the swim vacation in which he participates. Thanks all for your suggestions and input. Happy swimming!
  • Couples Swept Away in Negril (Jamaica) has a 25m lap pool. There were no backstroke flags or targets on the walls, but Julie and I found it to be a great place to have a vacation while still being able to train. The pool was hardly ever used and many times we were the only swimmers in the pool. A picture of the pool is attached. Jeff Just got back from 6 nights at Couples Swept Away. Had 3 great workouts in the lap pool...so good I wondered if the pool was a few feet short of the full 25 meters! It was certainly not crowded. One time I had the whole pool to myself for my entire workout. The other two, there were a few other people but never enough that anyone had to share a lane. Other than the two minor issues mentioned (no targets on the wall, no backstroke flags), the only other quibble is that the lanes are narrow. This should be a 6 lane pool, but they've squeezed 7 lanes in. I don't have a very broad wingspan, at ~6'1", but I could touch both lane lines in all but the middle lane, and had a little trouble while working on butterfly. (The middle lane was just wide enough that I couldn't quite touch both lane lines). That's all nitpicking, though. It's hard to complain when most resorts make zero or minimal accommodations for lap swimmers. On the plus side, there are kick boards and pull buoys available (no need to pack your own), on-site towel service, a nice locker room, and a "wellness bar" right next to the pool where you can be served a fresh smoothie within 90 seconds of finishing your workout. Another plus for swimmers visiting this resort is that they have second set of buoys beyond the limit of the recreational swim area in the ocean which make a swim lane about 10' wide and maybe 150-175 yards long. You can get in an open water workout in relative safety. I did a few laps in the open water lane myself. I'm not sure I could recommend CSA as a dedicated "Swimcation" destination, but I'd highly recommend it as a place where you can get away and still be able to get in some quality swimming on the side.
  • Not as much of a structured 'swimcation', but if you want to craft your own and want a base from which to explore the Baltics, I would highly recommend Tallinn, Estonia. The Kalev Spa is a hotel that has its very own 8-lane, 50 meter swimming pool in the heart of the Old Town so you can get in some pool-based practices before or after sightseeing. They have private coaches available, as well. www.swimspire.com/kalev-spa-swimmers-paradise-heart-tallinn/
  • I've bee considering Santa Barbara for some time: www.santabarbaraca.gov/.../aquatics.asp Anybody familiar with the area?