2016 Nationals

Were the venues for 2016 Nationals announced at convention?
  • Are there late entries for people who qualify for Nationals after March 28th? Our Zone meet, Colonies, is not till April 8th. Was hoping to qualify there. Thanks
  • Are there late entries for people who qualify for Nationals after March 28th? Our Zone meet, Colonies, is not till April 8th. Was hoping to qualify there. Thanks Late entries are not accepted at Nationals. The March 28 deadline is firm. Jeff
  • OK I pulled the trigger sand entered my 6 events for sc Nationals 5 Q times and one that is within 1 sec. Let's see if I can do those times now that I have aged up this year?
  • I finally made my first QT! In the 1000 Free. Really going to try to get to Greensboro this spring since it's so much closer for me than this summer and next year's meets. The schedule is cleared, the hubby has given his blessing but I still need to work on the cost. I'm hoping to convince someone into coming with me so we can split a room. Next weekend, I'm hoping to make a couple more times. :D Anyways, I like the 1000, so I'll swim it. But it leaves me pretty wrecked for the next day which is a bummer since I like the 500 Free & 200 *** as well which are on Friday. My Saturday choice would be the 50 *** my Sunday choice would be the 200 Free and/or 100 ***. Which leaves me wondering... For those of you with more experience flying and swimming, how do you book a flight out on the same day as your last event. I would guess if I left Saturday, the 50 *** might be noon or 1ish? And on Sunday if I picked 100 ***, that might be around 4? Does that seem reasonable? Maybe allow 4 hours from estimated time of last event to be super comfy? 20 minutes cool down, 1/2 hour change, 2hours drive/security/wait for plane...that leaves an hour leeway for guesstimated time of event. Does that sound like enough or cutting it close?
  • Although I can't provide an accurate response on your questions (I will be driving in, and I have no clue about their airport or the timeline of events), I can say that misery loves company! I'll be swimming the 1650 on Thursday, and the 500 free and 200 fly on Friday. :D CONGRATULATIONS ON MAKING NQT'S! :applaud: Although I made them in 2013 in three events, I think it will be a long time before I make them again (thanks to my hip surgery).
  • Just registered online. Looking forward seeing old and new friends at GB!
  • Please note there will be a mixed 400 free relay on Friday (last event of the session). If 400 relays have been offered at Short Course Nationals, it was at least 25 years ago. Jeff I have never seen a 400 relay at nats, and I have been going off and on since '73. I believe this is a debut event.
  • 2009 LCM Nats was 5 days in Indianapolis. The middle day was just relays. 400s and 800 and 200s. I wish they did that more often! The 4 x 200 free relay is about the only relay distance that I'd be a valuable team member!!! I'm a liability on a 50 :) A 100 is long enough that I can contribute, but is certainly not my best distance. Hopefully they have a relay day at some future nationals meet and they offer all relays again. That would be fun!
  • Although I can't provide an accurate response on your questions (I will be driving in, and I have no clue about their airport or the timeline of events), I can say that misery loves company! I'll be swimming the 1650 on Thursday, and the 500 free and 200 fly on Friday. :D CONGRATULATIONS ON MAKING NQT'S! :applaud: Although I made them in 2013 in three events, I think it will be a long time before I make them again (thanks to my hip surgery). I'm definitely coming. We looked and have just enough points to help with the travel costs. And it's something I've wanted to do for quite sometime (oddly even in some non-swimming years) but I put the dangling carrot out there that I had to make at least one QT to go. I've decided I shouldn't put it off until another year when I would hopefully be better trained and better prepared since we've got the time, money and health now. If I wait a year, there are so many things that could come up to stop me from coming and I would be disappointed to have wasted this opportunity. We'll have to touch base there! I'll pick my events after my swims this weekend.
  • I wish they did that more often! The 4 x 200 free relay is about the only relay distance that I'd be a valuable team member!!! I'm a liability on a 50 :) A 100 is long enough that I can contribute, but is certainly not my best distance. Hopefully they have a relay day at some future nationals meet and they offer all relays again. That would be fun! OK, if its the first day or last day. In the middle, its a completely wasted day for those of us who don't have enough team-mates who go to nationals to be able to field any kind of relay.