2016 Nationals

Were the venues for 2016 Nationals announced at convention?
  • Although I can't provide an accurate response on your questions (I will be driving in, and I have no clue about their airport or the timeline of events), I can say that misery loves company! I'll be swimming the 1650 on Thursday, and the 500 free and 200 fly on Friday. :D CONGRATULATIONS ON MAKING NQT'S! :applaud: Although I made them in 2013 in three events, I think it will be a long time before I make them again (thanks to my hip surgery).
  • Although I can't provide an accurate response on your questions (I will be driving in, and I have no clue about their airport or the timeline of events), I can say that misery loves company! I'll be swimming the 1650 on Thursday, and the 500 free and 200 fly on Friday. :D CONGRATULATIONS ON MAKING NQT'S! :applaud: Although I made them in 2013 in three events, I think it will be a long time before I make them again (thanks to my hip surgery).
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