2016 Nationals

Were the venues for 2016 Nationals announced at convention?
  • I have never seen a 400 relay at nats, and I have been going off and on since '73. I believe this is a debut event. 2009 LCM Nats was 5 days in Indianapolis. The middle day was just relays. 400s and 800 and 200s. I am pleased to see a 400 relay at SCY Nats...but I don't understand why it is just a mixed relay. If they are offering a 400 relay, why not one for men and one for women as well!!!
  • OK, if its the first day or last day. In the middle, its a completely wasted day for those of us who don't have enough team-mates who go to nationals to be able to field any kind of relay. That's a good point. Would be best to do it on the last day, I think. Kind of a "going away" party for those of us with enough teammates to field relays :)
  • Elaine - I hope to meet you in person at this meet. We missed at Messa and & read you articles all the time. I have a great story for you. I'm in the 1,650 on thur & the 200 fly on fri. PM me if you get a chance. Well, then, we'll have to make a point of it this time around! A PM is on the way...
  • Elaine - I hope to meet you in person at this meet. We missed at Messa and & read you articles all the time. I have a great story for you. I'm in the 1,650 on thur & the 200 fly on fri. PM me if you get a chance.
  • For those of you with more experience flying and swimming, how do you book a flight out on the same day as your last event. I would guess if I left Saturday, the 50 *** might be noon or 1ish? And on Sunday if I picked 100 ***, that might be around 4? Does that seem reasonable? Maybe allow 4 hours from estimated time of last event to be super comfy? 20 minutes cool down, 1/2 hour change, 2hours drive/security/wait for plane...that leaves an hour leeway for guesstimated time of event. Does that sound like enough or cutting it close? My advice is to pick as late a flight as possible and then just set a hard deadline for when you need to leave the pool. Just realize going in there's a possibility you'll miss your final event. Looks like the pool is only about a 15 minute drive from the airport, so I would think as long as you've got an hour and a half to two hours between your event and your flight departure you'll make it fine.
  • Just go to the airport smelling like chlorine. Security will let you thru cuz terrorists don't smell like chlorinated swimmers! HA HA HA!
  • The Summer Nationals in Oregon seem to have a very unusual (preliminary) schedule.It is proposed as a 5 day meet,there is only the 1500 on Weds, and the relay on Sun is not the first event. What is the thinking for this schedule?
  • I will assume that you can only swim the 1500 or 800, not both even though they are on different days just like Maryland.
  • I will assume that you can only swim the 1500 or 800, not both even though they are on different days just like Maryland. Was Maryland a five day schedule? I'm presuming we'll be able to swim both.