Tall Pauls Favorite Workouts and/or Sets

Getting to travel as much as we do we get to "taste" a lot of workouts from clubs all over the country...plus on occasion I come up with something to toss at the workouts I coach. For those lucky enough to swim with me Saturday (I'm coaching) here's the main set: SCY 800 negative split (get 400 split) @1:00 rest 6 x 100's @ 1:20 400IM 100 kick for time 400 negative split (faster than 2nd 400 of the 800, get 200 split) 1:00 rest 5 x 100's @ 1:15 200IM 100 kick for time (different stroke) 200 negative split (faster than 2nd 200 of 400) 4 x 100's @ 1:10 100IM 100 kick for time (different than first two)
  • Thanks for the workout Paul. It looks like a good one. I'm off to the pool to try it out! I might add :05 to the 100 interval though -- we'll see...
  • The swimmer feedback is entertaining too. There's no mercy in Paul's fast lane. And the world has a funny way of "paying us back"! When we are in town over a weekend we always try and make the Sunday workout at Brophy (formally Phoenix Swim Club) coached by Mark Rankin...its long (2 hours) and always has some speed element attached to it. Today....after a fairy heavy weight workout (dead lifts) we went in knowing it would hurt...but not knowing it shared some of the same stuff I had inflicted on the Sun Devil group Saturday morning! SCY 10:00-10:30 is "open swim" (I chose to "visualize" vs. take extra credit yards) Warm up set 2x the following 150 @ 2:30 (no breathing out of turns) 100IM @ 1:45 6 x 25's kick @ :35 50 scull Main set 6 x 100's @ 1:25 200IM or stroke recovery @ 4:00 5 x 100's @ 1:20 200IM or stroke recovery @ 4:00 4 x 100's @ 1:15 200IM or stroke recovery @ 4:00 3 x 100's @ 1:10 200IM or stroke recovery @ 4:00 2 x 100's @ 1:05 300 easy kick w/board 6 x 25's kick @ 1:00 (25 fast/25 easy) 4 x 25's fast @ :15 w/fins & paddles I am now drinking a beer, eating some soup and watching the Cardinals get their asses kicked by the Jets..
  • Really happy to wake up and see this thread!! Thanks for posting. :bliss:
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 15 years ago
    The swimmer feedback is entertaining too. There's no mercy in Paul's fast lane.
  • Hey Paul, This looks like a good workout, but I'll need to adjust the interval a bit to fit my speed. What is the target time for the 100's so I can figure out how much rest I should allow? Thanks Warm up set 2x the following 150 @ 2:30 (no breathing out of turns) 100IM @ 1:45 6 x 25's kick @ :35 50 scull Main set 6 x 100's @ 1:25 200IM or stroke recovery @ 4:00 5 x 100's @ 1:20 200IM or stroke recovery @ 4:00 4 x 100's @ 1:15 200IM or stroke recovery @ 4:00 3 x 100's @ 1:10 200IM or stroke recovery 2 x 100's @ 1:05 300 easy kick w/board 6 x 25's kick @ 1:00 (25 fast/25 easy) 4 x 25's fast @ :15 w/fins & paddles
  • Hey Paul, This looks like a good workout, but I'll need to adjust the interval a bit to fit my speed. What is the target time for the 100's so I can figure out how much rest I should allow? Thanks Hey Floyd, I'll give more details in the future on the interval options...this workout had 3 different "groups" with this being the fastest send off's. The key here (for me) was to attack right away on the first 6 x 100's and then hold on...200 strategy for the most part. As for the target times you can certainly adjust intervals based on what your primary distance is your wanting to work on...in this case with my focus on the 200 I first wanted to average under 1:00 for all 20 and that gave me less and less rest as the set progressed with only 8 seconds on the last two. If your more a 500/1000/1650 guy you may consider settling into a pace that right off would allow 5-7 seconds and hold that for the first 10 and then try and swim 1-2 seconds faster on the second 10.
  • Getting to travel as much as we do we get to "taste" a lot of workouts from clubs all over the country...plus on occasion I come up with something to toss at the workouts I coach. For those lucky enough to swim with me Saturday (I'm coaching) here's the main set: 800 negative split (get 400 split) @1:00 rest 6 x 100's @ 1:20 400IM 100 kick for time 400 negative split (faster than 2nd 400 of the 800, get 200 split) 1:00 rest 5 x 100's @ 1:15 200IM 100 kick for time (different stroke) 200 negative split (faster than 2nd 200 of 400) 4 x 100's @ 1:10 100IM 100 kick for time (different than first two) Wow, I actually considered swimming on Saturday, but had a ton of house chores to do, then did a major weights set. How did you adjust the time (I'm hoping you did adjust) for people my speed? I was out of town much of last week (for work in Vegas) and only got in 2 swims. I guess I can say that I'm trying to do more of the quality not quantity... Actually, I didn't even see this thread here until I did a 'New Post' search...I'll have to keep my eyes out on this and watch out for you coaching.
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 15 years ago
    Your distance workouts are perfect for what I'm looking for. I will have to adjust the intervals and warm ups (I need a looooong warm up), but otherwise these are great. Thanks!
  • Wow, I actually considered swimming on Saturday, but had a ton of house chores to do, then did a major weights set. How did you adjust the time (I'm hoping you did adjust) for people my speed? I was out of town much of last week (for work in Vegas) and only got in 2 swims. I guess I can say that I'm trying to do more of the quality not quantity... Actually, I didn't even see this thread here until I did a 'New Post' search...I'll have to keep my eyes out on this and watch out for you coaching. Timm, the Saturday workout I coached for sun Devil was at Cactus...I was there mornings all week while Laura was at the convention. The workout you referenced was the Brophy workout form Sunday which I swam and didn't coach at. Today's workout (just Laura and I at ASU): SCY 600 swim (mix of swim/drill/kick) 6 x 50's @ 1:00 build Speed Circuit (first day so pretty mellow, will increase the number of stations and reps as we get stronger): 4 x 25's power rack @ 1:00 4 x 25's bungee @ 1:00 4 x 25's underwater kick @ 1:00 Will do this once a week for two weeks then go to twice a week and increase the number of reps, add a round with fins & paddles, will do some kick only and sculling using both the rack and bungee.
  • Paul, So what's the pain plan for Wednesday morning at Cactus -- sprinting-oriented or distance-oriented? I swam this AM and was still feeling Saturday's workout ... good thing Laura did "yoga swimming" this AM. Both will be available "options" but will be fast swims with longer rest intervals and lower overall yardage. Quality day.