Tall Pauls Favorite Workouts and/or Sets

Getting to travel as much as we do we get to "taste" a lot of workouts from clubs all over the country...plus on occasion I come up with something to toss at the workouts I coach. For those lucky enough to swim with me Saturday (I'm coaching) here's the main set: SCY 800 negative split (get 400 split) @1:00 rest 6 x 100's @ 1:20 400IM 100 kick for time 400 negative split (faster than 2nd 400 of the 800, get 200 split) 1:00 rest 5 x 100's @ 1:15 200IM 100 kick for time (different stroke) 200 negative split (faster than 2nd 200 of 400) 4 x 100's @ 1:10 100IM 100 kick for time (different than first two)
  • Paul, So what's the pain plan for Wednesday morning at Cactus -- sprinting-oriented or distance-oriented? I swam this AM and was still feeling Saturday's workout ... good thing Laura did "yoga swimming" this AM. Both will be available "options" but will be fast swims with longer rest intervals and lower overall yardage. Quality day.
  • Paul, So what's the pain plan for Wednesday morning at Cactus -- sprinting-oriented or distance-oriented? I swam this AM and was still feeling Saturday's workout ... good thing Laura did "yoga swimming" this AM. Both will be available "options" but will be fast swims with longer rest intervals and lower overall yardage. Quality day.
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