Made a big change, would appreciate feedback

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Former Member
Just for context, I started swimming five years ago and I'm 42 years old. After a lot of floundering I got down to 1:50 per 100, and I do about 3000 meters a workout. I used to just swim it out, now I'm working on intervals and actually trying to push myself in a semi intelligent way. I am haunted by my kicking problems, inasmuch as they're weaker than my arms and I tend to always move from side to side. I came to the conclusion this morning in my workout that breathing on only one side on every second stroke was forcing me to angle out every stroke and compounded my problems with keeping straight and letting my kicking propel me forward as opposed to side to side. I started working this morning on breathing on alternate sides on every third stroke and while I have to re-train my lungs to accept the breathing differently and get comfortable one goggling the non dominant side, I immediately saw a big change in how I was gliding through the water and felt like I was swimming a bit with a pull buoy. I had back surgery two years ago and for 18 months only swam with a buoy which probably made my problems a lot worse because I wasn't working on my core but was getting stronger with my pull, and wasn't addressing my weak kicking problem and facing up to the challenge of breathing on one side was pulling me a bit askance every stroke. Anyways here's the question for you pros. Am I thinking about this problem right? I tried to post the workout I need today. When I was working half through on breathing side to side I felt I had to go a lot slower to accommodate the new breathing technique and get comfortable with turning to the left, as well. Any feedback would be really helpful. I know it's going to take a long time to put the breathing, catch and kicking pieces back together but I really want to get down into the 1:30's per 100 just for me, and I know without some great kicking I will never ever get there.
  • DSG10715, I am not clear as to what you think the problem is. Sounds like you think the problem is that you are not going in a straight line when you swim? As with most posts regarding how to swim faster or eliminate a "problem," it is next to impossible to offer anything constructive without video (side, front, above). Dropping 20-30 seconds faster is going to be about your pulling technique and eliminating drag. Look forward to seeing a video. Paul
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 5 years ago
    Okay I will make a video. I definitely think the straight line is an issue for me and Im trying to conquer it. DSG10715, I am not clear as to what you think the problem is. Sounds like you think the problem is that you are not going in a straight line when you swim? As with most posts regarding how to swim faster or eliminate a "problem," it is next to impossible to offer anything constructive with video (side, front, above). Dropping 20-30 seconds faster is going to be about your pulling technique and eliminating drag. Look forward to seeing a video. Paul
  • similar to bow and arrow drill above, this is the roll over drill with the great Alex Popov very difficult to perform, try 15m at first then work up. Only way to kick better is to kick more. If you get burned out with kick board you can use a front snorkel and manage several more 100s
  • Do you go to the gym to add leg muscle?
  • Do you go to the gym to add leg muscle? #1 way to get a stronger kick is to always lift legs. #SkipArmDay
  • I am haunted by my kicking problems, inasmuch as they're weaker than my arms and I tend to always move from side to side. I think you hit on a big issue in the second paragraph. You may be moving side to side because you are not using your legs enough to drive you forward (as opposed to just using them to stay afloat!). You also mention core strength as being an issue. Strengthening your core will allow you to rotate (increasing your Distance Per Stroke) but without the side-to-side "shimmy". I noticed two things in the sample workout you posted: 1) no kicking (to work on that leg strength) 2) almost no drilling (to focus on technique) A super helpful drill (for me) to work on your rotation (and kick!) is Bow and Arrow (B&A) drill (also sometimes called 3/4 "three-quarter" drill). Do you have a snorkel? Do you have fins? Both of those will help tremendously with it. Using the snorkel and fins, push off the wall and start your first freestyle stroke. As you recover out of the water with that arm, you want to pause (3-4 seconds) with the arm in the forward position, about three quarters of the way through your stroke, or basically looking like you are drawing an arrow back in a bow. The snorkel helps keep head position perfect (also side breathing on this drill is very difficult when learning it) and the fins help stabilize your kick. The drill will also quickly tell you where you drop your kick in your stroke, because when you stop kicking in the B&A position, you will sink like a stone. Here is the best video I could find of it (I don't have someone available to videotape me doing it otherwise I could show you). Eventually you can try dropping fins. As for the leg strength, I would recommend working in more freestyle kicking with a board. Although I regret to inform you that there is nothing more soul crushingly boring than freestyle kicking with a board in a long course meters pool. PM me if you have a question I am happy to help.
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 5 years ago
    thanks Calvin. very helpful and I'm going to try the drill tomorrow. Sounds like I should just work in 500+ meters a day with the kick board and that's the only way I will get stronger. Pursuant to Paul's advice, I received my first action camera today from Amazon and am going to figure out filming myself and editing it together so I can show you all where I am really screwing up so I can forge a regimen that works on all these problems, and makes me better. I have been struggling with the bilateral breathing on the 3 strokes, so am focusing on switching sides on alternate laps and trying to get my non dominant side working. Going to be a long road but really excited to tape myself and see where I am really going wrong.
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 5 years ago
    Thanks guys, yes, i think my legs are very weak. Did 500 meters on kickboard today and it was 16.40 min to do that.
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 5 years ago
    I will not be happy till i do 1:20 per 100 confidently and consistently. Long long way to go. Excited to tape myself and take the bark off where I am going wrong. Interestingly enough, I didnt kick for two years after back surgery and only swam with a pull buoy and once I tried to move from a lame two beat kick to keep afloat my times have gotten a lot worse. Probably because my kicking is so scheiße its creating major drag everywhere and putting cogs into the machinery. But i got to bite the bullet or i will get nowhere fast.