Number of states in which you've done an OW swim event

Former Member
Former Member
While driving back to the hotel after the Chesapeake Bay Swim this past Sunday, we started talking about the different states in which we'd done open water swims. The criteria was that it had to be an organized event (not a workout and not just hopping in a lake). Oh, and it had to be a swim event; not a triathlon. I was allowed to count both Minnesota and Wisconsin because I did a swim where we started in Wisconsin and finished in Minnesota. Here is how many states are on my list. How many are on yours? This may be a good goal - to try to do an organized, open water event in every state! Arkansas Florida Illinois Kansas Maryland Minnesota Missouri Nebraska Texas Wisconsin ...and one territory: Puerto Rico
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 11 years ago
    Jayhawk - i need a kansas swim - I have done some searching to no avail. Yeah, there haven't been any there for a number of years.
  • At the Men's Retreat last fall me and another guy swam Swanzy Lake. I dubbed it the Pilgrim Pines 2.5k. :blush: Guess I should take it off the list for now... :) I was mostly curious because I'm not sure I know of any. I'll have to investigate.
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 11 years ago
    I actually was talking to my husband about this recently, how I'd like to do an open-water swim in each state. Here's my list so far: Open-water races: Florida (Swim Around Key West relay, Fort Myers USMS National Champ 5K, Swim Miami, Hurricane Man) South Carolina (completed earlier this month in the Lowcountry Splash!) Maryland (Great Chesapeake Bay Swim 2x) New York (so many! - several NYC Swim events, plus a couple of CIBBOWS events) Illinois (Big Shoulders Swim) Connecticut (Greenwich 2-mile swim) Other swims: New Jersey (two sprint triathlons) Rhode Island (a 2-mile swim with a group in Newport, but not a race) I was hoping to add Maine and/or California to the list this year, but I'm not sure that's going to happen now.
  • New York Connecticut New Jersey Massachusetts Vermont Maryland Virginia Minnesota Arizona California This summer I'll increase that list by 20 percent, with swims in Maine and Washington. (I've also swum meets in most of those states, plus 6 more not on that list.)
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 11 years ago
    Yeah, there haven't been any there for a number of years. yes sir - my thinking was I might have to knock out Kansas with half-ironman or HOPEFULLY an Olympic-length triathlon. New Mexico had a long-time 'olympic' at elephant butte but this year is making the race a half-ironman. It looks like a great venue for either length race - I imagine i'll be using some very foul language about 3 miles into the 'run' of a half-ironman. bobswims, grumpy tuna and gregoc have amassed both quantity and quality too. have any of you seen this facebook page -
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 11 years ago
    (I've also swum meets in most of those states, plus 6 more not on that list.) We should do a separate thread for meets. I'll bet there are some people who have swum meets in almost every state.
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 11 years ago
    FL IN MD NJ NY PA TN VA VT Hoping to add ND and MN next month. I am waiting to see response from swimthegoodfight. I have a feeling his list is a long one.
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 11 years ago
    some states are / will be very hard to come by and I've searched Olympic triathlons to meet a 1-mile event minimum. I think I will add a separate category of 'rogue' swims to have some fun in a state-by-state effort, i.e. not events but an 'unsanctioned,' and sometimes illegal, swim. I'll make a second post soon... work - work - work. I live vicariously too through the likes of chaos, franco, miketyson AND many, many others. - Jayhawk - i need a kansas swim - I have done some searching to no avail.
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 11 years ago
    Ma vt me ri nh ny md nj ca az ut